
Welcome to the new way to protect your area! ChunkProtection is a simple region protection plugin that allows players to protect their own area without using "wands" , "large areas surrounded in fence" , "signs" or commands!!!! Players can easily add/remove members from their protections without modifying a sign or putting in some complicated command! Read on for more info!

      Easy-To-Use area protection!
      Add/Remove members!
      User Commands for reference!
      Admin Commands for maintainance!
      More To Come!

      A MySQL database is required!! A permissions plugin is also required!

How To Use:

To Claim an Area:

Place a fence down! It's that easy! The chunk that the fence is placed in will be protected as yours! (a chunk is a predefined 16x16 area from bedrock to skylimit!)

To UnClaim an Area:

1) Stand in the protected area you wish to unclaim.
2) Put a stick in your hand.
3) Break a fence! By breaking a fence while holding a stick in your area, you will unclaim that area!

To Add a Member:

1) Stand in the protected area you wish to add a member to. (the player you want to add must stand there too)
2) Put a stick in your hand.
3) Hit the player you wish to add as a member with the stick you are holding! lol

To Remove a Member:

1) Stand in the protected area you wish to remove a member from. (the player you want to remove must stand there too)
2) Put a bone in your hand.
3) Hit the player you wish to remove as a member witht he bone you are holding! lol (admin can also remove the member by use of commands if the other player is being uncooperative)

How To Install:

1) Download.
2) Stop your server, then add the ChunkProtection.jar into your server's plugin folder.
3) Start your server, then Stop your server. (There will be MySQL connection issues and plugin will not enable)
4) Edit the config.yml inside of the ChunkProtection directory inside of your plugins folder. Change the database, user, and password nodes to match that of your MySQL database.
5) Start Your Server! DONE.

How To Configure:

1)Edit the config.yml to match your needs!
host: this is host of your MySQL database, leave it as localhost if you are running your MySQL server on the same computer as your minecraft server.
port: this is the listening port used to talk back and forth to your MySQL database. Leave as 3306 unless you are an experienced admin and know what you are doing!!!!
database: put the name of your database here.
user: put the name of the user you wish to connect to your database with.
password: put the password used by the user you named.
maxChunks: this is the maximum amount of chunks (16x16 areas) a single player can own at one time.
allowFire: put true if you want fire(by any form, and caused by any source) to be allowed on protections. (does NOT protect the entire server from fire! only areas protected by ChunkProtection). put false if you do not want fire to be allowed.
blockCreeperExplosion: put true if you want ChunkProtection to stop block misplacement caused by creeper explosions. (only stops it if it occurs on areas protected by ChunkProtection!). put false if you want blocks to be misplaced by creeper explosions. (does not stop damage caused).
allowBucketFill: put false if you do not want players that are not the Owner or Members of the protection to be allowed to fill their buckets on protected areas. put true if you don't mind.
Attention!!!! - if you use any other grief protection plugin, put true on allowFire, put false on blockCreeperExplosion, and true on allowBucketFill.

2) add the ChunkProtection.user permission to whoever you want to allow to use this plugin. add the ChunkProtection.admin permissions to whoever you want to allow to use the delete portion of ChunkProtection Commands.


This is the basic permission node. Give this to anyone you want to be allowed to use this plugin.

This is a permission node aimed at server admin/mod. Give this to anyone you want to be allowed to use the delete portion of ChunkProtection commands.


/cp show owner
this shows the owner of the chunk you are standing on.

/cp show members
this shows all the members of the chunk you are standing on.

/cp delete chunk
this deletes the protection from the land that you are standing on.

/cp delete member [playerName]
this will delete the player from the members list from the land that you are standing on.

Future Improvements:

iConomy Support!
SQLite Support!
Buy chunks with XP option!


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