
This Project is open-source.

When you have a server with more than 20 slots, the chat will be overloaded, it will be hard to follow the chat. Many of the chat messages on a server are not addressed to the public, but to a small group of players.

This plugin allows players to create their own chat parties and invite other players to them. Only the members of the party can see the chat messages.

The creator of the party can assign additional leaders who can also invite and kick players. When all leaders left the party, it disbands automatically.

How to create a party

Players with the permission chatparty.leader can create a party with the command: /party create <name>.

The name of the party will be displayed when they invite other players. They can use their guild or faction name.

After that, they can invite other players with /party invite <player> and promote their members to leaders with /party leader <player>

Invited players can accept the invitation with /party join, or just ignore it. Players can only join one party at a time!

Party Chat

Players need the chatparty.user permission (included in chatparty.leader) to use the party chat command: /p <message>.

The plugin supports colored names and nicknames (e.g. set by Essentials).

Users can also display a list of all party members with /party members

Users can toggle the party chat with /party toggle, so they don't have to type /p all the time.

Admin Tools

Admins with the chatparty.admin permission can enable the spy mode with /party spy. They will see all party messages and actions.

It's similar to the /socialspy command of Essentials.


I recommend you to give all players the chatparty.leader permission so they can form groups as soon as they join the server.

Advertise the command:

I would allow cussing in party chats (if you disallow it in public chat).

Command List (0.3.0 and higher)

/party or /party helpPlugin helpchatparty.user
/chatToggle the global chatchatparty.user
/p <message>Send a message to the partychatparty.user
/party joinAccept a party invitationchatparty.user
/party leaveLeave a partychatparty.user
/party membersDisplay a list of leaders and memberschatparty.user
/party toggleToggle the party chat (So you don't have to type /p)chatparty.user
/party create <name>Create a new partychatparty.leader
/party invite <player>Create a new partychatparty.leader
/party kick <player>Kick a player from the partychatparty.leader
/party leader <player>Promote a playerchatparty.leader
/party spyMonitor all party chatschatparty.admin

Configuration (0.3.0 and higher)

You can modify the behaviour of the /p command in the configuration:

invertPSetting invertP to true inverts the /p command when a user toggled the party chat (That means he can send a message to the public).
toggleWithPSetting toggleWithP to true allows a user to toggle the party chat with the command /p, when no message is given.

You can also modify the message color and the chat format:

messageColorColor of the plugin messages (Color Codes)
chatFormatFormat of the party chat messages. Placeholders: {PARTYNAME}, {DISPLAYNAME}, {MESSAGE}


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