Remap Group

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Caldonia: Remap Group


This plugin is designed to permit automatic remapping of group membership upon a player logged into the server. It is only compatible with the PermissionsBukkit plugin.

Impetus for Creating

While setting up a server I hope to group I discovered that using PermissionsBukkit it was only possible for users to be placed in the "default" group upon first log in.

This meant that while things such as iChat could be made to say "Visitor" instead of "default" there were many plugins which presented the "default" label.

Plug In Abilities

When a player logs in their group list is evaluated, should any of their group memberships match a remap, then that group will be deleted and the replacement added.

Additionally the plugin can be configured to send a announcement to the server, and/or a message to the player.


/crg list List all current remaps loaded.

/crg reload Reload configuration file.


Permissions you can add to your admins/staff, alternatively op's have them.

caldonia.remap_group.list Allows player to list all current remaps.

caldonia.remap_group.reload Allows player to reload configuration file.

Caveat - DANGER! DANGER! Will Robinson

If you use it in the use case I designed it for you need to be aware that on a popular server your Visitor group membership will grow large, quickly.

Regular deletion of the group membership is advised! This is one reason I suspect PermissionsBukkit doesn't support this out of the box. Although it could just permit you to specify which group is "default".


  1. Copy CaldoniaRemapGroup.jar to your plugins directory.
  2. Restart/reload Bukkit.
  3. Edit configuration file plugins/CaldoniaRemapGroup/config.yml.
  4. Execute /crg reload in game or on the console.

Default Configuration File

    # A mapping must have a name, anything as long as it is YAML legal.
      # From: The group which you wish to move away from. (REQUIRED)
      from: default
      # To: The group which you wish to move to. (REQUIRED)
      to: Visitor
      # Announce: Upon log in the text will be broadcast to all users. (OPTIONAL)
      announce: Please welcome $player, as they are now a $group!
      # Direct: Upon log in the text will be sent to the player. (OPTIONAL)
      direct: Hello $player, you are now a $group.


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