

1.3.4FIX: Server doesn't load locked groups automaticly (you have to issue the command /bl reload)
1.3.3Add: Hidden "/buttonlock getall" command
Add: ButtenLock saves its config files auomaticly when using the server command "/save-all" to save the World
FIX: Loading LockedGroups error
1.3.2Add: /clearPasswordlist command
Add: Ender-Chest is lockable by default
Add: Enchartment-table is lockable by default
FIX: When a door next to a Button or Lever is in the same group the Button, the door is openable now
FIX: Doors or a chests or (...) will be added correct wehn adding to a group.
FIX: All Passwords entered in the current session will be saved, not only one
FIX: Bugs
1.3.1FIX: Owners aren't set after restart
Add: Shows the Block ID in the block-info screen
1.3FIX: Minecraft 1.2.3 compatible
FIX: Removed deprecated code
1.2ADD: EssentialsEco support
FiX: bugs
1.1FIX: IConomy 6 bug
ADD: PermissionBukkit supoort
FiX: Permissions
FiX: '/setPw' helptext
1.0FIX: '/bl' command permission
ADD: '/bl version' command
ADD: '/bl remove' command
ADD: '/bl info' command
FIX: Better '/bl reset' command
ADD: Costum language support (see under "plugins/ButtonLock/languages")
ADD: Lava and water protection
ADD: Creeper protection
ADD: Enderman protection
FIX: Improved and fixed block protection
ADD: One-time Password generator (/otpw gen <player1> [<player2>] [<...>])
FIX: Improved and fixed /otpw command
0.9ADD: Lockable states: door open and close etc ...
FIX: Bugs
ADD: Improved iConomy support
ADD: Owners at public chest
FIX: Config does not updates itself all the time
FIX: Better name handling at the command '/Bl g o <add|remove>'
FIX: Better protectionmode-name handling at '/setpw <pw> private/public/password'
ADD: Permission-node for '/buttonlock group' commands
ADD: Doublechests are automatically locked when they are converted from locked singlechests
0.8.3ADD: Protection modes: private, public
ADD: /Buttonlock group owner <add|remove> command
ADD: Changed config files
FIX: Some smaler bugs
0.8.2FIX: Nullpointer after using '/bl g add'
FIX: Singel-use-password command changed to 'one-time password'
ADD: Short-form for the '/bl g add' command
0.8.1FIX: Protectable Blocks are add able to a group now too
FIX: Groups are locked now after using the commands '/bl group add/remove/forcePW/costs'
0.8ADD: Password by-pass
ADD: IConomy by-pass
ADD: Settings to enable/disable by-pass
ADD: You only need to enter the password once after login
ADD: Command to change the cost of a group
ADD: Command to add/remove blocks from a group
ADD: Command to enforce a password every time from a group
FIX: Protectable-Blocks list getting longer and longer sometimes


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