


- ButtonCommands Version 1.9 -


In order for the button commands to work, you need a command sign (containing an optional title, and the command) either above, under, two blocks behind or to the left or right of the button. Note that they need to be facing the same way as the button, except the one behind which needs to face the opposite direction. Redstone command signs get triggered when receiving a direct redstone current (powering the block next to it will not work).


Customize the config in ButtonCommands/config.yml. See Config File Page.

Set up permissions. See Commands & Permissions Page.

Normal Commands

Lets you use normal commands.

Place a button.

Place a sign over, under, on the backside, left or right of the button. The first line is optional and contains the title. The second line contains the command, and needs to start with a slash ("/"). The third and forth line can extend the command. Each line will add an one additional space (" "). Variables can be inserted. Since it will only check one sign, it will start with the one over and then continue in the order mentioned above.

Tip: Button commands will only get executed if the button is unpowered. If loads of people are trying to press it or something, the button can be set to not get powered either in the config or by creating a custom alias.

Console Commands

Executes a command from the console.

Same as a normal command sign, but starts with "/console" or "/c" and then the command. Note: Info about the command white-list below.

Redstone Commands

Console commands triggered by redstone current. Might seem buggy if the current isn't stabilized.

Same as a normal command sign, but starts with "/redstone" or "/r" and then the command. Gets activated when it receives a direct redstone current, not buttons indirectly powering the sign like the two above. Note: Info about the command white-list below.

Alias Commands

Lets you run multiple normal commands and console commands in addition to some other settings.

Same as a normal command sign, but starts with "/alias" or "/a" and then the alias to get executed. It will look for the alias in the alias.yml file. You can still put console commands in the commands list in an alias, if you prefix it with "/c " or "/console ". See Alias Config File Page.

If you want to add extra parameters onto the end if all the alias commands, simply add them behind the alias command like so: "/a theAlias {n}", or "/a alias2 The cake shop is now open" (where the alias would probably have something to do with broadcasting).

Comand White-List

The command white-list (white-list.yml) applies to console and redstone commands. It can be disabled in the config or overridden by aliases. See White-List Config File page.

Other Features

Powering a lever three blocks behind the button for one second:

A feature requestend and somewhat implemented by jacklink01. Powers on or off a lever three blocks behind the button for a second. A weird solution for getting the current from the button, when there is no other way to get it. Can be disabled in the config.