Global Functions and Variables

This document details all of the global functions and variables built into the buscript engine.

Global Functions


void broadcast(String message)
This function broadcasts the given message to all players on the server.
usage: broadcast("Hello, server")
usage: broadcast("Thanks for voting, %target%!")


void broadcastPerm(String message, String permission)
This function broadcasts the given message to players on the server with the given permission.
usage: broadcastPerm("Hello, some of you", "some.permission")


void command(String command)
This function runs a command on the server as if run through console. Please leave out the preceding slash.
usage: command("op someplayer")
usage: command("kick %target%")


void commandSpoof(String player, String command)
This function runs a command on the server as if run by the given player. The player must be online or nothing will happen.
usage: commandSpoof("someplayer", "help")
usage: commandSpoof("%target%", "/suicide")


void message(String player, String message)
This function messages the given player with the given message. The player must be online or nothing will happen.
usage: message("%target%", "Best be respectin'")


boolean isOnline(String player)
This function returns true if the given player is online and false otherwise.
usage: isOnline("someplayer")
usage: isOnline("%target%")


void run(String script)
This function executes the given script which should be the file name of an existing script in the plugin's script folder.
usage: run("somescript.txt")


void runTarget(String script, String target)
This function executes the given script with the given player target.
The given script should be the file name of an existing script in the plugin's script folder.
The given target will be the name that fills in the target variable as well as replaces the "%target%" string when the new script is run.
usage: runTarget("somescript.txt", "%target%")


void runLater(String script, String delay)
This function executes the given script after the given delay.
The given delay should be formatted as such: 1d5h29m45s which indicates a delay of 1 day, 5 hours, 29 minutes and 45 seconds. Any amount shorter will suffice as well such as 5m for simply 5 minutes.
The given script should be the file name of an existing script in the plugin's script folder.
usage: runLater("somescript.txt", "30s")


void runLaterTarget(String script, String delay, String target)
This function executes the given script with the given player target after the given delay.
The given script should be the file name of an existing script in the plugin's script folder.
The given delay should be formatted as such: 1d5h29m45s which indicates a delay of 1 day, 5 hours, 29 minutes and 45 seconds. Any amount shorter will suffice as well such as 5m for simply 5 minutes.
The given target will be the name that fills in the target variable as well as replaces the "%target%" string when the new script is run.
usage: runLaterTarget("somescript.txt", "1m45s", "%target%")


void clearScripts(String target)
This function removes any scripts that are waiting to be executed for the target.
usage: clearScripts("%target%")


String stringReplace(String string)
This function returns a string where all instances of strings that should be replaced (such as "%target%") are replaced with their proper value within :the given string.
usage: if (stringReplace("%target%") == "dumptruckman") { do stuff }


void registerEvent(String event, String priority, String script)
This function will register the given script to a listener for the given event at the given priority.
event should be the fully realized class name for a Bukkit event.
priority is the string form of Bukkit's EventPriority.
When the given script is run, a variable event will be available that contains the details of the event.
usage: registerEvent("org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent", "NORMAL", "player-died.txt")


boolean hasPerm(String player, String permission)
This function returns true if the given player has the given permission and false otherwise. The player must be online or this will always return false.
usage: hasPerm("%target%", "some.permission")

Vault Functions


boolean hasPermOffline(String world, String player, String permission)
This function returns true if the given player has the given permission for the given world and false otherwise. This works for offline players.
requires: Vault
usage: hasPermOffline("world_nether", "%target%", "some.permission")


boolean addPerm(String world, String player, String permission)
This function grants the given permission to the given player for the given world.
requires: Vault
usage: addPerm("world_nether", "%target%", "some.permission")


boolean removePerm(String world, String player, String permission)
This function removes the given permission from the given player for the given world.
requires: Vault
usage: removePerm("world_nether", "%target%", "some.permission")


boolean hasMoney(String player, Double money)
This function returns true if the given player has the given amount of money and false otherwise.
requires: Vault
usage: hasMoney("%target%", 20.0)


boolean addMoney(String player, Double money)
This function gives the given amount of money to the given player and returns true if successful and false otherwise.
requires: Vault
usage: addMoney("%target%", 20.0)


boolean removeMoney(String player, Double money)
This function takes the given amount of money from the given player and returns true if successful and false otherwise.
requires: Vault
usage: removeMoney("%target%", 20.0)

Global Variables

Generally, these variables allow for much more advanced scripts to be created.


This variable contains the name of the current script's target.
This will have to be used in place of "%target%" for everything outside of the functions listed above.


This variable contains the actual Bukkit server which has all the same methods available to it as if you were writing an actual plugin.
The javadocs for this are available here
usage: server.getOnlinePlayers()


This variable contains the Bukkit Plugin that is implementing buscript.
The javadocs for this are available here
usage: plugin.getDataFolder()


A string that represents what is used to replace replacement strings (such as "%target%") when the value they represent is null.
usage: if (stringReplace("%target%") == NULL) { there's no target }


This variable functions exactly like a Java map (java.util.Map). This data will be available in the global script environment and will be saved for use in scheduled (runLater) scripts. When a scheduled script runs, this data will be replaced by the contents when the script was scheduled.
Important! Since this data is persisted via Bukkit's Yaml Configuration, any data stored within MUST be serializable as such or problems will likely occur.

Vault Variables


This contains the Economy module for Vault. This will not be available if Vault is not on the server.


This contains the Permission module for Vault. This will not be available if Vault is not on the server.


This contains the Chat module for Vault. This will not be available if Vault is not on the server.


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