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If you have any ideas or suggestions please post them here.

If you find any bugs or issues with the plugin please report them here.

What is Buddies?

Buddies is a plugin for bukkit that allows players to add friends and talk to them in-game.

What are some of the features?

  • Option of only seeing the online/offline message of your friends. This feature is very useful when your on a server that has a lot of people which typically would flood the screen with these messages.
  • Sending/Receiving friend requests.
  • Sorting friends into groups.
  • Chatting with only buddies.
  • A login message that shows who's online, what friends requests you have, or how to get friends.
  • You can send or accept a friend request by either typing the command or by right clicking another player.
  • You can block all friend requests.

How does it work?

Buddies is a command based plugin and therefore a person manipulates their buddylist with commands.

Adding Buddies

In this example Bob wants to add Susan as a friend.

  • To add someone Bob would type (Without quotes): '/buddy add Susan'
  • Susan would then receive a friend request from Bob.
  • For Susan to accept the invite she would type: '/buddy add Bob'
Chatting with Buddies

Now that Bob and Susan are buddies Bob wants to say Hi. Bob would do this like so:

  • Bob would type: '/b Hi'
  • Susan would receive the message 'Hi' from Bob

The buddy chat is good for talking to individuals however if you have more then one friend online when you use buddy chat the message will show to all of your online buddies as well.

So say Bob also has his friend Gary online. Since Bob sent the message 'Hi' in buddy chat, Susan and Gary would both receive the message 'Hi'.

Organizing Buddies

Now that the basics of adding friends has been covered lets talk about what you could do if you have lots of buddies.

  • You can list all of your buddies by using the command '/buddy list'.
  • You add buddies to groups and sort them in the list by those groups.

The default list command that is built into every server lists everyone online. However when a server has 50+ players online on average then that list can become quite cluttered and hard to read especially if your trying to find someone specific.
The Buddies list allows you to see only the people you want to see, making it easier to find someone online.


Buddies allows for great customization.

  • Almost every message that is displayed in the game can be changed in the settings.
  • Settings such as limiting the amount of buddies a player can have are easily configurable.
  • In-game preferences such as the ability to block friend requests are easily configured using commands.

How often is the plugin updated?

I update this plugin when ever I have time. Between friends, my business, college and work my life is very busy but I will do my best to keep this up to date.

What is working now?

  • Sending requests
  • Receiving requests
  • Accepting requests
  • Ignoring requests
  • Alerts the player when a buddy goes online/offline
  • Shows a login message with details of any friend requests
  • Sending messages to buddies
  • Admin commands such as debug mode, saveall and reload
  • Listing all buddies or only buddies in a group
  • Creating groups of friends
  • Removing a buddies group
  • Removing offline buddies
  • Blocking all requests
  • Adding buddies by right clicking someone in-game.
  • Anti-Spam requests (So if a Bob ignores a request the other player cant send a request to Bob for a while.)
  • Group specific chatting
  • In the buddy list unaccepted buddies are a different color
  • Wait time in between sending friend requests 1.1.0
  • New config system with more features including auto format, error reporting and lists(not used in this plugin).
  • Colored console messages.
  • Sorting list by groups

What is being worked on now?

  • Setting of buddy capacity for players
  • Lock into buddy chat by typing only '/b' or '/buddy'.
  • Making alias' for the buddy chat command. A player should be able to type '/buddy Hello everyone!'.

What should I be looking forward to?

  • Configure who or what groups show the online/offline messages.
  • Block individuals from sending requests to you.

Known Issues

  • '/b' command interferes with voxel sniper plugin.

How do I use this plugin?

Please visit the Commands page.

What permissions does this use?

This plugin uses Vault for permissions so any permissions plugins that Vault supports can be used.
Please visit the Permissions page.

Warning! If you use permissions you will need to give the proper permissions to the groups/users. This plugin will not work without them.

Of course if you do not use a permissions plugin it will default to OP for admin commands. Other features would be available to all.

How can I help?

Any feedback is appreciated it really does help so please leave a comment of what you think of the plugin so far.

If you have any ideas or suggestions please post them here.

If you find any bugs or issues with the plugin please report them here.

Please support the plugin by donating. I invest a lot of time into my plugins so any donation helps a lot.

For Plugin Developers

Visit the API page.


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