Default Config

# bPermsRank version 1.5
# default config.yml

#The groups/ranks that you wish the plugin to be able to utilize.
#You will also need to provide the permission node bpermsrank.rank.(group) for each group you have listed here.

  - default
  - builder
  - moderator
  - admin
#You must add your worlds here if you want the /rank (name) (group) command to work in all of your worlds!
#If you use the mirror.yml located in the bPermissions folder you only need to put the world that is mirrored
#If you are just going to use the /rank (name) (group) (world) command you can ignore this part of the config.

  - world
  - world_nether
#broadcast - broadcast the rank/group change to the server.
#notifyRanked - Send a message to the player ranked notifying him/her of the change and who issued the command.
#notifySender - send a message to the player who issued the /rank command notifying him/her of a the successful change.

broadcast: true
notifyranked: true
notifysender: true

#These are the message that will be displayed in game when a group/rank change is performed.  They support color codes beginning with "&".
#These messages also support tags for replacing certain parts of the message with data pertaining to the group/rank change.
#{RANKED} is the player that receives the group/rank change.
#{SENDER} is the player that issues the command.
#{GROUP} is the group/rank the player has been changed to.
#You can use the tags as you wish and they can all be used in any of the messages.
#Do not remove the 's from any of the messages or you will break the config.

broadcastmessage: '&e{RANKED} is now a {GROUP}'
rankedmessage: '&bNOTICE: &cYour rank has been changed to {GROUP} by {SENDER}'
sendermessage: '&bNOTICE: &cYou have changed the rank of {RANKED} to {GROUP}'


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