
  • Block-Spawner: false
    Should plugin disable monster drops (XP and items) if monster is near mob spawner.
  • Block-Radius: 12
    Size of area in which plugin checks for monster spawner (cuboid area from monster location).
  • Block-Explosives: false
    Should plugin protect XP Banks signs from TNT and creepers .
  • Check-SignRadius: false
    Should plugin check for nearby XP Banks when player tries to create XP Bank and cancel bank creation if one is found.
  • Explosives-Radius: 8
    Radius where plugii checks for TNT/Creeper and cancels if within that area (recommend at least 6).
  • XpAddCheck-Radius: 4
    Radius where plugiin checks for XP Banks owned by player, related to player (command sender) location.
  • SignCheck-Radius: 8
    Radius where plugiin checks for nearby XP Banks, related to location where player is trying to create new XP Bank.
  • Bank-Cost: 0
    Define how much it cost for players to setup XP Bank, if 0, XP Bank setup will be free.
  • Default-BankLimit: 1
    If player does not have "blxp.limit.number>" permission node, this defines player XP Bank limit.
  • OP-BankLimit: 2
    Defines players with /op (opped) status XP Bank limit.
  • LogtoConsole: true
    Should plugin log information (to console/server logs) when XP Bank is created or destroyed.
  • Broadcast-Bank-Destroy: false
    Should plugin broadcast message when someone has destroyed another player XP Bank.

  • Bank-Limits:
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3
    - 4
    - 5

    Defines blxp.limit.<number> permission nodes, example if you want to use "blxp.limit.5" permission node you must define number 5 at Bank-Limits (like in example).

    Rest of the config.yml are just messages which you can translate if need.


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