Changelog History

0.9.5 (April 11, 2013)

Update for Bukkit 1.5.1-R0.1 (beta build)

1) Updated for Bukkit 1.5.1 beta.
2) Improved multiworld support.
3) Moved all message strings to messages.yml file.
4) Region Support feature now respects "Region-Support" config value (false/true).
5) Small bug fixes.
6) Hopefully fixed error "Unhandled Exception" from ticket #6

Remove from config.yml
Remove "Block-PVP" option, its now defined at World-Blocked-Features.

New region and world block config, please update to new format.

Old (current) format:

- example

- tp
- gift

- tp
- gift

- world_nether

New format:

- world:pvp
- world:bxp

- world:test:dxp
- world:test:bxp
- world_nether:test:tp

Note: if "Region-Support" is set to false plugin wont load with region support even if you have WorldGuard, in order to enable region support you must set it "true" and restart server.

0.7.0 (November 23, 2012)

Update for Bukkit 1.4.5-R0.2 (beta build #2488)

- Multiworld support to disable features at defined worlds.

- XP Block Bonus not disabling even if feature is set to false.
- /blf tp and /blf gift commands to give correct "no permission" message instead help file if player does not have correct permission node.
- Small change to PVP protection which hopefully fixes random "CaveSpider" related error messages.

Add followings lines somewhere at blFriends config.yml

- tp
- gift

- world_nether

0.6.1 (November 3, 2012)

Update for Bukkit 1.4.2-R0.2 (beta build #2455)


  • Fixed friend limiter to check if target has more friends than FriendLimit-Amount and block invite from player if so, before this plugin did only check sender friend limits.

Seems I missed line from 0.6.0 update notes :/

Add "FriendLimit-Enable: true" to your config.yml if its not there (depending did you use /blf admin limit command or not).

Stop server. download update from this page and replace blFriends.jar, that simple.

0.6: (November 1, 2012)

Update for Bukkit 1.4.2-R0.1 (beta build #2446)


  • Command /blf help to open help file. works if player types command wrong or uses wrong syntax.
  • Command /blf version to check plugin updates. works also upon player login if player is /opped or has blf.version permission.
  • Simple permission based friend limiter, will improve later on.
  • Block bonus XP.
  • Option to disable monster bonus XP (and xp drops) if player or nearby friend is in creative mode.
  • WorldGuard region support...
    to disable monster and block bonus XP inside defined regions.
    to disable using /blf commands to player inside defined regions


  • Improved help file, new system gives bit more freedom to customize help page (order etc.).
  • Fixed cooldown message display (now shows correct amount of seconds left).
  • Commands /blf reload and /blf version can now be used from console.

Make following changes to your config.yml

-- REMOVE -- (replaced by new Help-File)
Help-Header: Wrong command, try following..
Help-List: /blf list
Help-TP: /blf tp (player)
Help-Gift: /blf gift (player)
Help-Invite: /blf invite (player)
Help-Remove: /blf remove (friend)
Help-Disable-TP: /blf tp (to enable/disable feature)
Help-Disable-Invites: /blf invites (to enable/disable feature)
Help-Disable-Gift: /blf gift (to enable/disable feature)

-- ADD --
Region-Support: false
BlockBonusXP-Enable: false
BlockBonusXP-Radius: 2
BlockBonusXP-Amount: 4
Blocked-Region-SendMessage: false
Blocked-Creative-DXP-SendMessage: false
Block-Creative-DoubleXP: false
Friend-Limit: 1
FriendLimit-Enable: true
Check-StableUpdates: false
Check-DevUpdates: false
Error-Blocked-Region: Blocked region! You can not use this feature while you or your friend is inside blocked region.
Error-Limit: You have too many friends! Server friend list limit has been set <limit> friends.

- blf list:list all your friends. 
- blf online:list all your online friends.
- blf invite (player):Invite player as your friend.
- blf add:Accept friend invite.
- blf remove (player):Remove someone from your friend list.
- blf tp (player):Teleport to your friend.
- blf tp/gift/invite:Enable/disable feature, if you use /blf tp then players cannot use that command to you.
- blf gift (player):Send gift to you player, first hold item in your hand then use command. Warning; This will send ALL the items that you are holding, remember to split item stacks if you wish to send less items.

-- OPTIONAL : only if you use WorldGuard and have Region Support enabled --
- example
- tp
- gift

0.5 (August 29, 2012)

Note: 1.2.5 is not "officially" supported, I will try and test this version with 1.2.5 later this week.

  • Updated for bukkit-1.3.1-R2.0.
  • Fixed slimes and dispenser nullpointers errors (PVP protection feature).
  • Fixed nullpointer issue with monsters dying from lava etc. without taking damage from player first, (Double XP feature).
  • Added "Friends only chat", new command /blf chat to disable/enable friend chat, admins can use command /blf chat to globally disable/enable for all players.
  • New permissions node "" for /blf chat command (if FriendChat-Permission is set to true).

How to update.
Add following lines to your config.yml

FriendChat-Feature: true
FriendChat-Permissions: false (if set to true, players must have permissions node to use /blf chat command).
FriendChatOP: false (if set to true, players with /op status will see every player friend chat messages).
Color-Friend-Chat: GREEN
Msg-FriendChatEnabled: Friends only chat enabled.
Msg-FriendChatDisabled: Friends only chat disabled.
Error-FriendChatDisabled: Friend chat is disabled, your next message will be shown to everyone.

0.4 (August 12, 2012)
1) Fixed bug: if PVP Block was disabled, plugin would still block damage if friend tried to shoot another friend with bow.

2) New command /blf admin (feature) - uses blf.admin permission node.
/blf admin pvp (toggle to disable/enable PVP between friends)
/blf admin gift (toggle to disable/enable friends gifts)
/blf admin tp (toggle to disable/enable friends teleports)
/blf admin dexp (toggle to disable/enable friends bonus exp)
/blf admin cgifts (toggle to disable/enable sending gifts in creative gamemode)

3) Fixed "Block-Creative-GIfts" format. Add following lines to your config.yml

Error-GiftCreative: You cant send gifts in creative gamemode!
Change Block-Creative-GIfts: true to Block-Creative-GIfts: true

note: change requires to update "Gifts" into "GIfts" with uppercase i (I).

0.3 (August 3, 2012)

1) Fixed bypassing cooldown via loggin out and logging back to server.
2) Added option to block gifts if sender is in creative mode.
3) Added error messages if player tries use tp/gift command itself.

How to update.
Add following lines somewhere in your config.yml file.

Block-Creative-Gifts: true
Error-SelfCommand: You cannot use this command to yourself.

Note: Confirmed to work for Bukkit 1.3.1, developer build #2279.

0.2 (July 28, 2012)

1) Updated for Bukkit 1.2.5-R5.0 version.
2) New command /blf online to check online friends, /blf list still lists all your friends.
3) Decreased invite spamming, if player A sends invite to player B, player A cannot send another invite to player B before sending new invite to someone else or loggin out.

/blf online (uses blf.use permission node).
note: to stop all invites coming player B can use /blf invite to temporary disable/enable invites.

How to update.
Add following lines to bottom of your config.yml;

Error-NoFriendsOnline: 'You dont have any friends online :( '
Prefix-List-Online: '[Friends Online] '

0.1 (July 3, 2012)

First beta release.