
#This is the message sent when a player tries to access an Enchantment Table when not allowed.
deny-message: You can't enchant in Creative!

#This determines whether the deny-message is sent to the player when right clicking the Enchantment Table.
#Set to true if you want the message above to be sent to the player when accessing the Enchantment Table.
#Set to false if you don't want any messages sent.
send-message: true

#If set to false, all bosses/hostiles/neutrals/friendlies will not drop exp when killed.
#You can find a list here:
boss-exp: true
hostile-exp: true
neutral-exp: true
friendly-exp: true

ore-exp-drop: #These specify what blocks will drop exp. You can not add blocks.
        drop: true #If true, the block will drop exp of a random amount specified by amount.
        amount: [0,2] #This specifies how much exp will drop, for this particular one, an amount between 0 and 2 will drop. These are the standard amounts. 
        drop: true
        amount: [1,5]
        drop: true
        amount: [2,5]
        drop: true
        amount: [3,7]
        drop: true
        amount: [3,7]
        drop: true
        amount: [18,40]

furnace-drop: true #true = drop exp regularly when smelting, false = don't drop any exp at all.
fish-drop: true #true = drop exp regularly when fishing, false = don't drop any exp at all.

#The list of permissions for actions. c = Creative, s = Survival, b = Both Creative and Survival, n = neither (don't block).
    enchant: c #The player can't enchant items
    exp-gain: c #The player can't gain experience
    throw: b #The player can't throw exp bottles
    drop: b #The player can't drop exp bottles
    pick-up: b #The player can't pick up exp bottles
    add-exp: #List of blocks the player can't add exp bottles to or take exp bottles from
        dispenser: b #The player can't add exp bottles to dispensers
        chest: b #The player can't add exp bottles to chests
        workbench: b #The player can't add exp bottles to workbenches (crafting tables)
        inv_craft: b #The player can't add exp bottles to the inventory crafting area
        furnace: b #The player can't add exp bottles to furnaces
        brew_stand: b #The player can't add exp bottles to brewing stands
        enchant_table: b #The player can't add exp bottles to enchantment tables
        enderchest: b #The player can't add exp bottles to ender chests
    drop-items: #This is the stuff allowed/denied to be able to be dropped when enchanted. n/c/s/b
            sword: n #If the diamond sword is enchanted, allow drop. Change to s to deny drop for survival, c to deny for creative, b for both.
            axe: n
            pick: n
            hoe: n
            helmet: n
            chest: n
            leggings: n
            boots: n
            sword: n
            axe: n
            pick: n
            hoe: n
            helmet: n
            chest: n
            leggings: n
            boots: n
            sword: n
            axe: n
            pick: n
            hoe: n
            helmet: n
            chest: n
            leggings: n
            boots: n
            sword: n
            axe: n
            pick: n
            hoe: n
            sword: n
            axe: n
            pick: n
            hoe: n
            helmet: n
            chest: n
            leggings: n
            boots: n


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