

SimplePoints was originally requested by the user tharvoil. It gives server admins the ability to give their players points, or rewards for doing certain things, and from version 0.3 onwards, there is an API for other plugin developers to hook into to give players points when they do something or complete something, or reward them with an item when they get to a certain amount of points, or take away points if they kill another player in a town zone, just to name a few examples. Hopefully some plugin developers will use this in their plugin(s), because it was quite hard to get it working properly. :D

There is also an option to give any player connected to the server every X minutes, X amount of points. (All configurable in the config file. (Disabled by default.))

The points are saved and loaded on plugin enable/disable, and saved every 10 minutes to prevent losing them if your server crashes unexpectedly.


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