

- Fixed Item Frame item rotation protection
- Removed database reconnector to use the inbuilt solution of SQL

- Fixed crash with 1.7.2 or higher
- Added an automated updater

- Added unclaimall command to unclaim all of your own chunks
- Huge performance improvement
- Fixed a bug where case-sensitive economy plugins broke
- Fixed a bug where versionchecking was always showing v0.0
- Code clean-up

- The admin permission node now bypasses money too
- Admins now can use the claimtool (see config) to claim chunks faster
- The /claim command no longer charges money for already claimed chunks

- Fixed maxchunksall was only changing the first player in database
- Code clean-up

- Fixed a bug where the confirmation step wasn't skipped if price is 0
- Added optional Version check (new permission node + config entry)
- Updated Metrics to R7

- Added friendlist check for admin (/arg friends <playername>). Requires arg.admin node
- Added water and lava protection (/arg liquid). Enabled by default
- Fixed move info and autoclaimers are not getting loaded on player join
- Fixed arg.user permission node was only returning false
- Fixed friendlist was printing weird stuff
- Code clean-up

- Fixed arg.user permission node
- Code clean-up

- Updated for Minecraft 1.5+
- Fixed deprecated minecart imports
- Fixed the message spam when standing on a pressure plate or tripwire
- Added hopper-minecart to storage elements
- Added hopper to storage elements
- Added dropper to storage elements
- Added trapped chest to storage elements
- Added redstone comparator to redstone elements
- Added wooden button to redstone elements
- Added soil and plants (seeds) protection
- Removed minecart from redstone elements because it has its own section
- Code clean-up

- Added command /arg confirm (only in economy mode)
- You now need to confirm that you want to buy/claim a chunk (only in economy mode)

- Added optional economy support through Vault for (un)claiming chunks
- Added economy.yml config
- Changed default unclaimtool to 369 (Blaze Rod)
- Fixed a typo
- Removed unused code

- Added Plugin Metrics (

- First release