
As of this version, there are fewer commands. The commands for this version are:

- whitelist: This overrides the vanilla whitelist at the moment and uses a group whitelist instead. This means that when a group is on the whitelist for AntiMulti, they are allowed to connect to the server when this whitelist is active. This has the benefit of allowing this to be engaged whenever a griefer wave occurs to which when properly set up, can allow your more active members to still play while preventing the new players. This lets you have an easier switch by using permissions to determine if they are on this whitelist, which is antimulti.whitelist. The command's permission is antimulti.cmd.whitelist

- add: This lets you add players to ips so that they can connect even if they have reached their limit. This lets you allow players to have family connect to the server if the initial limit is lower than the accounts they have. This is done by using /add <name> <ip> which adds the name to that IP and vice versa. If the limit is not reached and this is used, this adds the name but will still count to the limits, so if the limit is set at 2 and you use the add command to add 1 IP, then there is still 1 IP free for the account. The permission for this command is antimulti.cmd.add

- amreload: This lets the user reload the settings for AntiMulti. This is the preferred way to reload AntiMulti safely as using /reload can cause players not logged in to the server but who are already on to not have to use the password. A patch for this is not expected, so using /reload is NOT ADVISED with this plugin, however /amreload will reload AntiMulti safely. The permission for this is antimulti.cmd.reload