

Hey, this is my first plugin, admincontrol and help you to keep the players under Control



/status - the status system
/clearchat - clear the chat
/pn - sends a "Admin to Player" Message
/adv - allows you to send Ads on your server
/chatoff - disable the chat
/chaton - enabled the chat
/warn - give a player warning
/report - sends a report to the server administrator
/warns - show you how many warns you've got
/ac - list of all commands and there features
/ad - Adminchat
/sc - Supportchat
/healall - heal all players on the server
/advon - activate the advertisment
/advoff - deactivate the advertisment
/uc - start the "Undercover Admin" Feature
/bc - Broadcast Feature
/count - start a countdown, which all players can see
/mute - mute the player do you want
/unmute - unmute the muted player
/afr - freeze the player do you want
/ufr - unfreeze the player
/goto - teleport to a player
/gethere - get the player to you


admincontrol.commands.clearchat - /clearchat - /pn - give admin permissions to check any reports
admincontrol.commands.werbung - allows the player to send an advertising
admincontrol.commands.msg - allow player to use /msg command.
admincontrol.checkmsg - allows you to see any private message - show the admincontrol commands
admincontrol.commands.chatoff - give a user to use /chatoff command
admincontrol.commands.chaton - give a user to use /chaton command
admincontrol.commands.warn - give an admin to warn player - this player can ignore the Chatblock - show all commands - allow you to write in adminchat
admincontrol.commands.healall - allow you to heal all players
admincontrol.commands.advoff - allow you to deactivate the advertisment
admincontrol.commands.advon - allow you to activate the advertisment
admincontrol.commands.goto - allow you to teleport you to another player
admincontrol.commands.gethere - allow you to teleport the player to you
admincontrol.commands.bc - allow you to use the broadcast-system - allow you to start an conversation with player
admincontrol.commands.uc - allow you to use the admin-undercover feature
admincontrol.check.uc - allow you to see, if somebody start an admin-undercover
admincontrol.commands.count - allow you to start a countdown
admincontrol.commands.mute - allow you to mute a player
admincontrol.commands.unmute - allow you to unmute that player
admincontrol.commands.freeze - allow you to use the /afr or /ufr command


Hey, das ist mein erstes plugin, admincontrol und hilft euch, den Serveradmins, eure Spieler unter Kontrolle zu halten


/status - Statussystem der Admins
/clearchat - Löscht den Chatverlauf
/pn - sendet Private Nachrichten an Spieler
/werbung - sendet eine Werbung
/chatoff - deaktiviert den Chat
/chaton - aktiviert den Chat
/warn - verwarnt Spieler
/report - sendet Beschwerden an die Admins
/warns - nachschauen, wieviel warns der jenige hat
/ac - Alle Befehle
/ad - Adminchat
/sc - Supportchat
/healall - heilt alle spieler auf dem Server
/werbungon - aktiviert das Werbungsystem
/werbungoff - deaktiviert das Werbungsystem
/uc - Startet den Undercover Adminmodus
/bc - Broadcastsystem
/count - startet ein Countdown
/mute - mutet einen Spieler
/unmute - unmutet einen Spieler
/afr - friehrt einen Spieler ein
/ufr - befreit einen Spieler
/goto - teleportiert sich
/gethere - teleportiert spieler zu dir


admincontrol.commands.clearchat - Permission um den Chatverlauf zu löschen - Permission um jede /pn Nachricht zu lesen - Permission um report zu sehen
admincontrol.commands.werbung - Erlaubt Spieler Werbung zu machen
admincontrol.commands.msg - Permission um Private Nachrichten zu schicken
admincontrol.checkmsg - Permission um die MSGs zu Überprüfen
admincontrol.commands.chatoff - Permission um Chat zu deaktivieren
admincontrol.commands.chaton - Permission um Chat zu aktivieren
admincontrol.commands.warn - Permission um Spieler zu verwarnen - Permission um die Chatsperre zu ignorieren - Permission um alle Befehle des Plugins zu sehen - Permission um im Adminchat zu schreiben
admincontrol.commands.healall - Permission um alle zu heilen
admincontrol.commands.werbungoff - Permission um Werbung auszuschalten.
admincontrol.commands.werbungon - Permission um Werbung anzuschalten
admincontrol.commands.goto - Permission um sich zu teleportieren.
admincontrol.commands.gethere - Permission um Spieler zu sich teleportieren
admincontrol.commands.bc - Permission um das Broadcast System zu benutzen - Permission um Supportchat mit einem Spieler zu starten.
admincontrol.commands.uc - Permission um Undercoverdienst zu starten
admincontrol.check.uc - Permission um nachzuschauen, ob ein Admin Undercover ist
admincontrol.commands.count - Permission um einen Countdown zu starten
admincontrol.commands.mute - Permission um Spieler zu muten
admincontrol.commands.unmute - Permission um Spieler zu entmuten
admincontrol.commands.freeze - Permission um Befehle /afr und /ufr zu benutzen


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 12, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 6, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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