
  • worldname: "Dungeon" - Name of the generated world. Should match the name you give Multiverse when creating the world
  • webchance: 40 - Chance of a web forming at ground level
  • webcornerchance: 20 - Chance of a web forming at ceiling level in a corner
  • torchchance: 50 - Chance of torch appearing
  • ruinschance: 60 - Chance of stone ruins
  • maxruins: 6 - Max number of stone ruins per room
  • poolchance: 30 - Chance of generating a pool of liquid
  • lavachance: 10 - Chance that liquid in a generated pool will be lava instead of water
  • mossychance: 90 - Not currently used
  • pumkinchance: 70 - chance of pumpkin spawning in the walls
  • pumkinlitchance: 60 - chance of pumpkin being lit
  • grasschance: 40 - chance of tall grass
  • bushchance: 20 - chance of dead shrub
  • otherblockid: 41 - ID of custom block to spawn in walls default: gold block
  • otherblockchance: 20 - chance of custom block spawning in walls
  • glowstonechance: 40 -chance of glowstone spawning in walls
  • glowstonetwochance: 10 chance of glowstone spawning in walls
  • ceilingheight: 45 - height of the walls (and eventually ceiling)
  • pistonchance: 1 - chance of piston door (currently these doors lead nowhere.)
  • spawnerchance: 20 - starting chance of mob spawner (chance increases with each biome if biomes are enabled)
  • exitchance: 1 - starting chance of exit portal (chance increases with each biome if biomes are enabled)
  • enablebiomes: true - use biomes
  • biomesize: 30 - size in chunks of each biome.
  • biometype: 0 - if biomes are disabled, this whole dungeon will be this biome (0=stone, 1= sand, 2=nether,3=brick,4=end)
  • chestchance: 12 - chance of chest spawning in a room
  • enchantedchance: 12 - starting chance of finding enchanted gear (chance increases with each biome if biomes are enabled)
  • enchtoolstart: 276 - not currently used
  • encharmorstart: 310 - not currently used
  • scrollchance: 1 - starting chance of finding MagicSpells scrolls (chance increases with each biome if biomes are enabled)
  • eggchance: 20 - starting chance of finding monster spawn eggs (chance increases with each biome if biomes are enabled)
  • potionchance: 16 - starting chance of finding Potions (chance increases with each biome if biomes are enabled)
  • diskchance: 18 - starting chance of finding music disks (chance increases with each biome if biomes are enabled)
  • tnttrapchance: 10 - chance of non-chest tnt traps
  • chesttrapchance: 10 - chance of chest tnt traps
  • lootchance: 40 - chance of common loot in chests
  • rarelootchance: 28 - chance of rarer loot in chest (not including enchanted items, potions, eggs, music disks, scrolls)
  • customloot: false - if true, replaces default loot with loot listed below.
  • commonloot: -Item IDs of common loot. Note: these values are for example purposes and don't correspond to the default loot.
    • - 320
    • - 267
    • - 259
    • - 274
    • - 308
    • - 307
    • - 306
    • - 309
    • - 340
    • - 302
    • - 303
    • - 304
    • - 305
  • commonamounts: - amount of each item, defaults to 1 if not given. Put all multiple items at top of the loot list
    • - 10
  • rareloot: -Item ids of rare loot
    • - 262
    • - 276
    • - 310
    • - 311
    • - 312
    • - 278
    • - 313
    • - 354
  • rareamounts: - amount of each rare item, defaults to 1 if not given. Put all multiple items at top of the loot list
    • - 64

Invalid items IDs or amounts may cause errors, naturally.


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