Youzer 1.3.4


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    Oct 20, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.6.4
  • 1.6.2


Version 1.3.4 - A Step Towards 1.4


Better code


Now Java 7 is required

  1. prevent message recoded
  2. /repair and /repairall improved (repair items list no more needed)

Important news

  1. checkupdate added in config.yml: enable check new releases
  2. Chat.update added in msg.yml: show update message

Bug fixed

  1. Error.commandNotFound english message
  2. setHat with repairable items like sword delete current hat

Version - I, Mob

  1. Full mob system rewritten
    1. now all mobs can be spawned
      1. alias for villager: npc
      2. alias for ocelot: cat
      3. coming soon: colored mobs, babies... and better limit spawner (actually disabled in this beta)
    2. Mobs.notAlive and Mobs.limit messages does'nt exist anymore but Mobs.limit will be back in future versions

/!\ Dispenser minecart do not spawn "special" minecarts since I modified the code, fixed in future versions of the plugin

Beta 5.1

Since I modified the code of certain functions (because of future deleted bukkit functions), bugs occured but I fixed it.

Send-me a message if you find other bugs !

  1. No need to reload your server after editing the config.yml (except if you change the msgfolder)
  2. Bugs fixed
    1. Minecart Dispenser
    2. Mobs limit
    3. Repairable items list
    4. Hat message with incorrect items

Version 1.3.3 - The Come-Back Version

  1. New commands (read more on the Commands Page)
    1. /float [player]
    2. /enchant <enchantment> [level]
  2. Default kit for new players works (/setkit default <items>... before ^_^)
    1. /kit without args give you the default kit
  3. Change
    1. Prevent messages are displayed if you have the permission youzer.player.cansee
  4. Bug fixed
    1. Default kickall message


  1. Better Code
  2. Bug fixed
    1. Better float command but a conflict can persist with Multiverse when you teleport from a creative world to an other gamemode world.
      That's while this problem is resolved when you move your cursor or when you walk


  1. Better Code
  2. Command added
    1. /banip <player> [reason] not ready to see directly the IP without the playername
    2. /enchant : enchantSucess message added when enchantment is succeeded
  3. colored sign
    1. Youzer TP Sign Support !
  4. colored chat
    1. Color symbol : " & ", example: &4Test will display "Test" in dark red
  5. Bug fixed
    1. default color for "tpBackOther" message
    2. TNTPerm for all blocks


  1. Better code
  2. /unban <player | IP:ipaddress>
    1. If you ban a player with his ip and you want to unban him, you have to write his ip and not his name
    2. example: /unban IP:

Version 1.3.2 - The Requested Version

  1. New commands (read more on the Commands Page)
    1. /openinv <player>
    2. /book <edit/author/title> <args>
    3. /meta <name/lore> <args>
    4. /tprequest <player/accept/deny>
      1. aliase : /tpa because of essentials accustomed players
      2. If a request was sent 2 minutes ago, it is automatically removed

Version - The Legacy Version


15/07/2013 - Uses more the power of the Youzer Code!

  1. Better Code
  2. Bug Fixed
  3. /more with colored items
  4. Change
    1. /setspawn [default]
    2. /spawn [default [player]/[player]]
    3. Default spawn is used to welcome new players

Version 1.3.1 - The Best Achieved Version

  1. Thanks to a rewritten code, Youzer is lighter, safer, it cost less memory and it has never been so faster o_O
    Any bugs, please call-me !
  2. Bug fixed
    1. resetExtras if player spawn in the world where he's located corrected
    2. if a player join the server he can not see invisible players anymore

Version 1.3.0



  1. Better code and Lighter


  1. Works on Bukkit 1.5.2 AND 1.6
  2. Better code
  3. Now, you can dispense minecarts if there is no railway near the dispenser and even if misc.cartDispenser is enabled
  4. The Restore Items on Death system restores your items directly when you respawn and not if you respawn AND move like the older versions
  5. Tools in config.yml can be now a block/item name with or without its data ! (exemple: strike tool can be 35 or 35:14 or wool:7...)
    1. If you want to use a tool with nothing in your hand, the item is " 0:-1 "or " air:-1 "
  6. The parameter name for home commands is now an option. The home name by default is "home"
  7. Bug fixed
    1. /kit : error occure if kits.yml contains an unknown block/item name

Version 1.2.1 and olders



  1. SpyMsg command added
  2. Parameter %receiver added to Player.privateMsg in msg.yml
    (now it displays [%sender->%receiver] by default)
  3. Better code
  4. Bug fixed
    1. %permission parameter to Error.permissionNotAllowed in msg.yml (in 1.2 it's %perm or it must be %permission, you can change it manually)
    2. Mobs.limit message not displayed


  1. Mute command added
  2. Kits commands added
  3. Some custom error messages added in msg.yml
  4. Bug fixed
    1. /trash all
    2. giveByOther and giveOther message inversion in msg.yml (English version)
    3. Explosion sound with Explosion tool while noExplosion is enabled


  1. Events Files reorganized
  2. Improved config system
  3. Lighter

Last Version 1.1 uploaded

  1. Better code
  2. Improved SpawnMob & SetMob Command
  3. Bug fixed:
    1. Minecart dispenser does not work on the same line as the rail
    2. Explosion sound with Explosion tool while noExplosion is enabled


  1. plugin.yml now in English!
  2. Uneditable messages translated!
  3. Plugin now in French and in English !
  4. Explosion Damage bug when NoExplosion is enabled fixed


Youzer for CB 1.5.2-R1.0