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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.6.4-R2.0


Beta v1.8.2

  • FIXED - an issue with team invite persisting beyond when the team disbands
  • FIXED - a formatting issue with the log
  • FIXED - a defect with page numbers in help menus (0 is not a valid page number)
  • FIXED - an issue where worlds with spaces in their names could not be saved
  • FIXED - an issue where error reports were not uploading due to a formatting issue
  • FIXED - an issue with the ‘/team chat’ command where anything besides ‘ON’/‘OFF’ would through an error
  • FIXED - an issue with the server admin open command where it did not check if the team in question exists
  • FIXED - an issue with the invite system that updates an invite when a team name changes
  • ADDED - a lot of boring infrastructure for future plugin extensions
  • ADDED - a debug option to see the UUID of the server
  • CHANGED - a debug option to help debug permissions for servers (‘/team debug perms’)
  • CHANGED - main help menu to be slightly more self-explanatory
  • CHANGED - ‘/team help’ command to default to the first page of commands

Beta v1.8.1


  • ADDED - anonymous error reporting feature to track when errors occur on servers (anonymouserrorreporting=false/true)


  • FIXED - MAJOR issue where the nopermissions option in the configuration was broken (added test cases so it doesn’t break again)
  • FIXED - an issue with the permission node for xteam.core.user.headquarters
  • FIXED - an issue where teleporting resulted in being stuck inside rocks
  • FIXED - an issue where friendly fire option inside the config was being ignored
  • FIXED - an issue where the lastAttacked variable was not being recorded when friendly fire is enabled
  • FIXED - an issue where duplicate messages being sent to players from internal logic
  • FIXED - an issue where an error was thrown when an invalid command is submitted
  • FIXED - an issue preventing teams could not rename themselves to their own tag
  • FIXED - an issue preventing inter-world teleport
  • FIXED - an issue with tasks associated with the plugin not cancelling when the plugin is disabled
  • FIXED - an issue where players of a team were not being notified when someone joined
  • FIXED - an issue where ‘/team remove [Team] [Player]’ would not check if the player was on
  • FIXED - an issue where a player could invite someone who was already on their team
  • ADDED - support for anonymous error reporting feature to track when errors occur on servers (anonymouserrorreporting = false/true)
  • ADDED - support for legacy data translation to accept any form of old data from the plugin (make a backup!)
  • ADDED - support for File, SQLite and MySQL data storage methods (uses ‘SQLibrary’ plugin) (storagetype = file/sqlite/mysql:host:port:databasename:username:password)
  • ADDED - support for migrating old data to SQLite or MySQL seamlessly (see FAQ section)
  • ADDED - event listener system to the api so that add-ons to the plugin can know what is going on
  • ADDED - message system that allows for avoiding duplicate messages and logging the details
  • ADDED - team invites invites are now displayed in ‘/team info’ command
  • ADDED - ‘/team command {?}’ for getting help on any command (i.e. ‘/team sethq ?’)
  • ADDED - ‘/team sethq [Team] [World] [X] [Y] [Z]’ command for console
  • ADDED - ‘/team setrally [Team] [World] [X] [Y] [Z]’ command for console
  • ADDED - ‘/team setrally [Team]’ command for server admins
  • ADDED - relative location system (i.e. player @ 14 blocks to front-right, 9 blocks up) (displayrelativelocations = false/true)
  • ADDED - feature to track the last known location of a player - might come in handy
  • ADDED - range and pattern checking for values in the configuration file
  • ADDED - health and hunger status are now both shown in ‘/team info’ command
  • ADDED - copious amounts of test cases so that more things won’t break in the future
  • ADDED - project is now on GitHub (https://github.com/protocos/xTeam)
  • CHANGED - ‘teamtagmaxlength’ option is now more appropriately ‘teamnamemaxlength’
  • CHANGED - refactored much of the code to get rid of old clunky designs
  • CHANGED - a leader is now only considered a leader and not a team admin as well (nothing changed heirarchically)
  • CHANGED - default teleport delay in the config is now 7 seconds
  • CHANGED - ‘/team remove [Team] [Player]’ is now more appropriately ‘/team remove [Player] [Team]’ for console and server admins
  • CHANGED - order of commands shown in console help menu so it makes more sense
  • REMOVED - teleport radius between players as it was causing more trouble than it was worth

Beta v1.8.0


  • CHANGED - permission system heirarchy - be sure to review the config file!


  • FIXED - annoying bukkit issue with teleporting into walls (now waits for chunk to pre-load)
  • FIXED - blank team (“”) being listed as a default team
  • FIXED - error when checking for enemies and finding wolves
  • FIXED - error in ‘/team set [team] [name]’ with duplicate messages being sent
  • FIXED - overlap in command patterns between ‘/team set’ and ‘/team sethq’
  • FIXED - disabled worlds feature now works as intended
  • FIXED - commands being displayed for users that do not have access
  • ADDED - permission node for team info command (xteam.code.user.info)
  • ADDED - ‘/team setrally’ command
  • ADDED - ‘/team rally’ command
  • ADDED - preliminary api for hooking into events and adding to the base xTeam plugin
  • ADDED - ‘/team info [tag]’ as an option for getting info on a team
  • ADDED - PatternBuilder for easy pattern matching in commands
  • ADDED - functionality to disband a team based on team tag
  • ADDED - admin commands to help pages for those with access to them
  • ADDED - ‘invite expired’ message for players that have been invited
  • ADDED - event firing framework for creating, disbanding, and renaming teams
  • ADDED - message sent to teleportee when someone teleports to them
  • CHANGED - help page system got a major facelift
  • CHANGED - default teleport delay to 0 and teleprot delay now applies to ‘/team return’
  • CHANGED - all TeamPlugin derivatives must use the final OnLoad() method in TeamPlugin to load extra commands
  • CHANGED - replaced ConsoleDelete and ServerAdminDelete with ConsoleDisband and ServerAdminDisband
  • CHANGED - shrunk configuration logic to one class
  • CHANGED - refactored command logic that all commands are executing to avoid duplication
  • CHANGED - the way permissions and configuration options are listed in the configuration file
  • CHANGED - many of the messages now show simplified confirmation messages in a unified format
  • CHANGED - refactored the way help pages are displayed and their internal structure
  • CHANGED - refactored some command logic into centralized command action classes
  • CHANGED - refactored the way command requirements are evaluated into much simpler method calls to remove code duplication
  • CHANGED - refactored the way the plugin looks for potential enemies when teleporting
  • CHANGED - refactored the way Players and Teams are managed internally to centralized point of access
  • CHANGED - refactored command classes to use strategy pattern for api
  • CHANGED - refactored many of the classes to have an interface structure to resemble proper entities for api
  • CHANGED - major refactoring to plugin structure (singleton instance of xTeam) for sub-plugin api
  • REMOVED - support for small spout features for hiding names (too much of a hassle to keep updated)
  • REMOVED - ‘/team reload’ command in lieu of ‘reload’ in craftbukkit
  • UPDATED - to bukkit version 1.7.2-R0.2

Beta v1.7.7

  • FIXED - invite issue for players with uppercase letters in their names
  • FIXED - error parsing value "0L" for updating old team data
  • FIXED - team admins displaying without commas for default teams
  • FIXED - deleting return locations when leaving a team
  • FIXED - '/team rename [Team] [Name]' not renaming if case is different than original
  • FIXED - default teams being disbanded after last player is '/team set [Team] Player]' to another team
  • FIXED - admin set and console set commands to work more efficiently
  • FIXED - remove commands to check for number of players and disband if empty
  • FIXED - '/team accept' ignoring invite 30 second timeout
  • FIXED - '/team disband [Team]' accidentally working for default teams
  • FIXED - '/team info [Team]' command to work for team even if name is uppercase
  • FIXED - removed '/team set [Player] none' in lieu of '/team remove [Team] [Player]'
  • FIXED - generate data folders and files on startup
  • ADDED - debug menu for private use
  • ADDED - more unit tests for some commands
  • ADDED - 'team remove [Team] [Player]' for console use
  • ADDED - '/team disband' for team leaders
  • ADDED - logging features so console does not get flooded with errors and for ease of use when error reporting
  • CHANGED - '/team delete [Team]' for console and server admins to '/team disband [Team]'
  • CHANGED - team GUI to look more uniform with other info and help pages

Beta v1.7.6

  • FIXED - chat error when the player is new to the server
  • FIXED - default teams not balancing correctly
  • FIXED - joining error if player has not played before
  • FIXED - teams not being removed when using console set or admin set commands
  • FIXED - nopermission config option not working since the permissions update
  • FIXED - rename command not renaming the team officially until server reset
  • FIXED - case handling for teams ('tEaM' = 'team' now)
  • FIXED - console team info not showing same information as in-game command
  • FIXED - players being offline/betrayable until logging in a second time
  • FIXED - console and admin set not adding leader to admins
  • CHANGED - minor UI tweaks for the main information page
  • ADDED - tag feature to make the team tag different from the team name
  • ADDED - '/team open [Team]' command for server admins
  • ADDED - '/team open [Team]' command for console
  • ADDED - '/team tag [Tag]' for users
  • ADDED - '/team tag [Team] [Tag]' for server admins
  • ADDED - '/team tag [Team] [Tag]' for console
  • ADDED - 'tagcolor=color' in config file to change the default color of the team tag in chat
  • ADDED - 'chatnamecolor=color' in config file to change the color of '/team chat' player names
  • ADDED - various design changes and test classes to make future updates easier

Beta v1.7.5

  • UPDATED - to bukkit dev build 1.5.1-R0.1
  • FIXED - default teams not saving players on reload
  • FIXED - default teams not saving admins on reload
  • FIXED - default teams not being "open joining" upon creation
  • FIXED - default teams interpreting empty players as blank player
  • FIXED - default teams being deleted when player leaves
  • FIXED - default teams not saving headquarters on reload
  • FIXED - default teams not balancing when new player joins
  • FIXED - permissions not working for default permissions file and other permissions plugins
  • FIXED - being able to see coordinates of non team members

Beta v1.7.4

  • CHANGED - IMPORTANT!!! permission handling now based on hierarchical format (Bukkit convention - see main page)
  • CHANGED - error handling to throw proper errors (large-scale refactoring)
  • FIXED - issue with saving data on reloading and restarting
  • FIXED - issue with demoting an admin returning a leader error exception
  • FIXED - default team not saving admins
  • FIXED - default team not saving the team headquarters
  • ADDED - many test cases to improve regression testing and future development
  • ADDED - smart command recognition (regular expression matching) e.g. "/team prmt protocos" = "/team promote protocos"
  • ADDED - feature that if playersonteam is set to 0 or less in the config, then team size is unlimited

Beta v1.7.3

  • UPDATED - to bukkit dev build 1.4.7-R1.1
  • REFACTORED - TeamChatListener, TeamPlayerListener, and TeamPvPListener (reduced overhead)
  • ADDED - '/team delete [team]' for server admins and console
  • ADDED - '/team remove [team] [player]' for server admins
  • ADDED - TeamWolf.java class to reduce errors in listeners
  • ADDED - version number on main help page
  • ADDED - internal properties class to make importing/exporting data easier
  • ADDED - paging system for help pages (for later addons)
  • FIXED - '/team tele' and '/team tele [player]' saying team mates are in a different world
  • FIXED - isOnSameTeam compares the correct objects now

Beta v1.7.2

  • FIXED - NULL error when comparing teams in '/team HQ' command
  • FIXED - teleporting between worlds throwing error
  • ADDED - feature to teleport to teammate no matter how far (if teleportradius <= 0)
  • ADDED - option to teleport between worlds (if teleportradius <= 0)
  • ADDED - feature to list admins of the team in the info section

Beta v1.7.1

  • FIXED - Bug that you can teleport while you are in danger
  • FIXED - '/team info' bug that would check for a permission node that was never supposed to be there
  • FIXED - team name checking for alphanumeric characters
  • ADDED - option to disable team coordinates (displaycoordinates=false)
  • ADDED - '/team rename [name]' option for team leader
  • ADDED - '/team rename [team] [name]' for console
  • ADDED - '/team rename [team] [name]' for server admins
  • ADDED - xteam.rename and xteamadmin.rename permission nodes

Beta v1.7.0

  • COMPILED - with 1.4.5-R1.0
  • REMOVED - code that would throw errors on player death event (sorry guys)
  • REFACTORED - all commands now have their own class
  • REFACTORED - Team.java has more of a single responsibility for JUST team stuff
  • ADDED - TeamPlayer class for simplicity/sanity's sake (and hopefully fewer errors)
  • ADDED - a few shortcut commands (i.e. '/team c [team]' to create, '/team ls' to list teams, etc.)
  • ADDED - '/team create [team]' to help page
  • ADDED - '/team' & '/team help' show new main menu for xTeam
  • ADDED - '/team accept' for the most recent invite
  • ADDED - '/team promote [team] [player]' for server admins and console (enables '/team sethq)
  • ADDED - '/team demote [team] [player]' for server admins and console
  • ADDED - permissions for: xteamadmin.promote, xteamadmin.demote, xteamadmin.reload
  • CHANGED - '/team help [page number]' now shows commands in an expandable format
  • CHANGED - adjusted '/team create' and '/team join' to be more single purpose
  • CHANGED - some of the logic for some of the regular team commands to be more readable
  • CHANGED - '/team admin' to '/team admin {page number}' much like the team help pages
  • FIXED - a few issues with teleporting logic (/team tele, /team hq, /team return)
  • FIXED - minor logic bugs while refactoring
  • FIXED - '/team join [team]' when [team] is public not working
  • FIXED - setting leader of a default team creates a new team
  • FIXED - default teams not allowing anyone to join

Beta v1.6.5

  • FIXED - default teams now save correctly with the new format
  • FIXED - issue with dummy player being saved to default team data
  • FIXED - '/team open' option now actually allows open joining
  • FIXED - simple teleport logic issue
  • FIXED - '/team reload' issue where more and excess teams were being created
  • FIXED - NullPointerException pertaining to retrieving the team of a wolf's owner

Beta v1.6.4

  • ADDED - '/team chatspy' feature along with permission (xteamadmin.chatspy)
  • ADDED - '/team reload' to console commands for reloading the config file
  • ADDED - default permission system for servers without permissions enabled (nopermissions=false/true)
  • ADDED - '/team invite [player]' for team admins (xteam.invite)
  • ADDED - '/team open' for team leader to set team joining to public (xteam.open)
  • ADDED - team info message for displaying if 'Open' or 'Closed' to joining
  • ADDED - config option for alpha-numeric team names only (alphanumericnames=false/true)
  • REMOVED - team passwords, '/team setPass' and '/team join [name] [pass]' (see '/team invite')
  • FIXED - NullPointerException in PvP listener for wolves
  • CHANGED - read/write functions to save in an intuitive and modular map format

Beta v1.6.3

  • FIXED - projectiles being cast incorrectly

Beta v1.6.2

  • ADDED - team name/tag length limit (configurable)
  • ADDED - PvP config option so that friendly fire can be enabled (teamfriendlyfire=false/true)
  • ADDED - '/team reload' to reload the config file
  • FIXED - bug with PvP being enabled for teammates in previous update
  • FIXED - minor out-of-range error for '/team join' and '/team create' commands

Beta v1.6.1

  • FIXED - issue with displaying help menus (default page is first page)

Beta v1.6.0

  • COMPILED - with 1.2.5-R4.0
  • ADDED - "last played" feature for teammates
  • ADDED - basic option for team tag in front of player names (configurable)
  • FIXED - not saving the correct world for headquarters on server restart
  • FIXED - typecast error with projectiles when fired from mob
  • FIXED - case-sensitivity for joining teams by ignoring it (i.e. "One"=="ONE"=="oNe"=="one")
  • CHANGED - /team to display pages (i.e. "/team 2" for page 2)

Beta v1.5.2

  • ADDED - a small function so that when a server crashes, data isn't lost
  • ADDED - '/team tpall [Team]' to teleport all players from a team to you
  • FIXED - major bug with PvP where teammates could still attack each other with projectile weapons

Beta v1.5.1

  • ADDED - '/xteam' and '/xt' aliases for alternate command use (to avoid plugin conflicts)
  • ADDED - '/team create' hidden command (works but doesn't show up when player types '/team' to avoid confusion)
  • FIXED - minor bugs in playerlistener for per-world support
  • FIXED - bug in '/team tele' with nearest player being the target player
  • CHANGED - "enabledworlds" in configuration to "disabledworlds" so that by default all worlds are enabled

Beta v1.5.0

  • COMPILED - with 1.2.5-R1.0
  • ADDED - option for default teams now to teleport to headquarters upon joining the game (configurable)
  • ADDED - delay to '/team return' like other teleportation methods
  • ADDED - PvP 'last attacked' option so players can't teleport within specified time after being attacked (configurable)
  • ADDED - option for per-world xTeam support (configurable)
  • FIXED - '/team return' message displaying without 'xteam.telereturn' permission
  • FIXED - a null exception with wolves that have no owner

Beta v1.4.4

  • ADDED - a small feature to change the color for teammate health to green (when it's >=75%) in '/team info', red otherwise
  • ADDED - some commands for use in console: - '/team info [Player/Team]' - '/team list' - '/team set [Player] [Team]' - '/team setleader [Team] [Player]' - '/team teleallhq'
  • FIXED - errors with '/team remove' and other admin commands that would prevent the admin from performing the action if the target player was not online

Beta v1.4.3

  • ADDED - a configuration option for players to spawn at headquarters by default (set to false to turn off)

Beta v1.4.2

  • FIXED - null pointer exception error associated with '/team teleallhq' command

Beta v1.4.1

  • ADDED - a team admin command for '/team teleallhq'

Beta v1.4.0

  • ADDED - configuration option for standard teams (e.g. defaultteams=red,green,blue) default is nothing
  • ADDED - configuration option for joining a random default team
  • ADDED - configuration option for balancing teams on upon randomly joining them
  • ADDED - configuration option for allowing the players to ONLY join default teams
  • ADDED - '/team admin' for showing admin specific commands (doesn't show up in the standard command list)
  • ADDED - '/team set [player] [team]' for admin to set team (set team to 'none' for removing player from team)
  • ADDED - '/team sethq [teamname]' for admin to set hq for a specific team
  • ADDED - xteam.leave permisison node
  • FIXED - a null out of bounds error with the '/team join' command
  • FIXED - bugs with event handlers

Beta v1.3.0

  • ADDED - /team list function to show all team on the server and xteam.list permission node
  • ADDED - showing list of offline players in /team info [playername]
  • ADDED - /team info [teamname] in addition to /team info [playername] (playername takes precedence over teamname)
  • ADDED - password length requirement (greater than 3)
  • ADDED - show team leader in /team info [teamname] command
  • ADDED - /team HQ [teamname] for admins/ops to teleport to other team headquarters and xteamadmin.hq permission node for it
  • ADDED - /team setleader [teamname] [player] for admins/ops to change the team leader of a specific team and xteamadmin.setleader permission node
  • FIXED - nothing appearing in chat if you leave team with chat status enabled
  • FIXED - so that only team admins can say the password in chat (players cannot accidently say password in chat)
  • FIXED - /team info [playername] works for offline players
  • FIXED - other minor bug fixes

Beta v1.2.1

  • COMPILED - with 1.2.3_R0.1
  • ADDED - 'xteam.*' permission node for bPermissions users (PermissionsEx and PermissionsBukkit users can still use it)
  • ADDED - a check for cancelled event before code execution in many event handling sections
  • FIXED - a minor bug which repeated console team messages
  • FIXED - general code cleaning

Beta v1.2.0

  • FIXED - major bug that did not register events properly (outdated code)
  • ADDED - logging for team chat in console
  • ADDED - function to censor noobish players from saying their team password in chat (can still say in team chat)
  • FIXED - other minor bugs

Beta v1.1.1

  • FIXED - issue with spoutcraft feature causing an internal error and not letting players teleport when there are nearby enemies

Beta v1.1

  • INCLUDED - support for any permissions that uses the standard bukkit SuperPerms

Beta v1.0

  • Initial Release