WoodCutter v1.4.9


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  • Uploaded
    Oct 25, 2015
  • Size
    16.74 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


2015-10-25 - v 1.4.9 Bug in Spigot caused durability to not break the axe, I solved this in my plugin though. So now, axes DO break at max durability again, as it should! :)

2015-05-16 - v 1.4.8 Added option to only allow WoodCuttin' when sneaking. Set "mustSneak" option to true to enable.

2014-11-30 - v 1.4.7 Syntax sugar'd source code and made permission default.

2014-10-25 - v 1.4.6 Optimized code. Re-added damage.

2014-04-02 - v 1.4.5 Optimized code.

2014-04-02 - v 1.4.4 Fixed the surrounding trees bug.

2014-03-26 - v 1.4.3 Supports the new tree types.

2013-11-02 - v 1.4.2 Further code optimization. Added config.

2013-11-02 - v 1.4.1 Code optimization.

2013-11-02 - v 1.4 Updated to latest version of Minecraft. Code optimization.

2012-04-14 Added.
