Regeneration Armor issue #7

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to jogy34_
  • _ForgeUser10431212 created this issue May 29, 2013

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Wear Armor
    2. Get hit by something what does over 20 damage; but you would survive cause of the armor
    3. You regenerate

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    It is expected that the armor will block most of the damage and you loose like 3 hearts.
    You regenerate instead

    What version of the product are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.
    I think you are using a formula like current health - damageAmout its working perfectly if you recieve less damage then health left; or when you aren't wearing any armor so I think the plugin isn't calculating the armor protection.

  • _ForgeUser10431212 added the tags New Defect May 29, 2013
  • Jogy34_ posted a comment May 29, 2013

    Hmm... I thought the event I was using took the armor protection into account already. I'll look into it.

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