WebAuctionPlus 1.1.7


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  • Uploaded
    Sep 16, 2012
  • Size
    4.36 MB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.3.1-R2.0


2012-09-17 WA+ 1.1.7 beta r277

  • finished adding items to RedPower2 and every other tekkit mod! this means it's complete! if we missed anything, feel free to report it to us, so it can be fixed. (please note, we attempt to keep these updated for compatibility with the latest version of tekkit. other versions may have issues)
  • fixed bug displaying items such as weapons, tools, or armor note: this is the first beta release!

2012-09-13 WA+ 1.1.6 alpha r267

  • finished ajax search box - searches for item name or seller name
  • added multi-language support for item names
  • fixed percent charged calculation for tekkit items
  • fixed deposit/withdraw signs for money note: the database will be automatically updated only once, when updating from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6. this update fixes damage id's for potions that have changed in a previous minecraft update. note: new messages have been added to the language files. these new lines all default to english. please translate these and send them in to be included in the next update.

2012-09-04 WA+ 1.1.5 alpha r254

  • added ajax to Current Auctions page to greatly improve page load time for large databases of auctions
  • added Inventory Rows setting to WA_Settings table for mailbox size in-game
  • new login form at top left of page
  • removed "Market price goes here" message - feature has not yet been finished, sorry
  • added new mcskin.php file to handle skin rendering internally (no more need for minotar.net)

2012-08-19 WA+ 1.1.4 alpha r244

  • finished "/wa reload" command
  • bug fixes and some new code

2012-08-11 WA+ 1.1.3 alpha r234

  • added error message if website is running the wrong version
  • added "/wa update" command to update recent signs and signlink signs
  • new signlink code to fix bugs preventing it from working
  • added AnnounceGlobally setting to config.yml
  • fixed bugs when buying/selling auctions
  • bug fixes for signs

2012-08-09 WA+ 1.1.2 alpha r227

  • fixed handling of enchantments in virtual inventory
  • fixed website inventory locking to prevent item duping
  • fixed bugs in login system when player has caps in name
  • Max Sell Price can now be set to 0 to disable the limit
  • fixed a bug in CSRF - can now be enabled/disabled in WA_Settings
  • fixed potions in default item pack
  • removed cron executor feature - was never used for anything
  • removed extra resource files that aren't needed - less to upload to your website note: the database has a few small changes, so be sure to make a backup before running the plugin note: the original web interface config.php has been removed, and db.config.php has been renamed to config.php and takes its place, so you'll need to use the new config.php file and copy your database connection settings into that.

2012-08-08 WA+ 1.1.1 alpha r213

  • first update with 1.3 support!
  • added new virtual chest for deposit and withdraw of items from web auction account
  • removed old mailbox signs
  • enchantments are now stored in the database with a simpler format
  • guest visitors can now view current auctions page without logging in
  • cancel buttons work!
  • added csrf protection for better security of website
  • added more custom items to tekkit item packs
  • additional item packs for tekkit mods and other mods are now found in the AdditionalItemPacks.zip file included in the package note: the database has a few small changes, so be sure to make a backup before running the plugin note: the original web interface config.php has been removed, and db.config.php has been renamed to config.php and takes its place, so you'll need to use the new config.php file and copy your database connection settings into that.

2012-06-05 WA+ 1.0.9 alpha r172

  • unreleased version - only for testers
  • multi-threaded sale alerts for both onPlayerJoin and scheduled task
  • added "/wa version" command
  • finished cancel auction buttons

auctions don't expire or charge a sale tax. market prices aren't displayed

note: Item duping may be possible if you share a single database between 2 servers running at the same time. I know some admins have been doing this in the past, but be aware of this. I do have a possible fix for this, but it hasn't been implemented yet. feel free to ask me for this if you'd like it fixed sooner.