Rewards Not Working #179

  • _ForgeUser20673765 created this issue Sep 21, 2017

    I have created rewards for players when they vote a certain amount of times. When they vote 3 times they should rank up to (rank1) but they do not. I have set up all the ranks and have no clue what the problem is. I am able to manually promote them so I know it is not my permission plugin which is not working.

  • _ForgeUser25399887 posted a comment Sep 22, 2017

    Do generic item-based rewards work?


    Can you share your awards.yml to look for any issues?  (I assume you've configured "rank up" rewards that execute a suitable command?


    Does anything appear in your server log when they hit the milestone and should have been promoted?

  • _ForgeUser20673765 posted a comment Sep 22, 2017

    Generic Items do work. When I force vote myself none of the votes needed to rank up are considered and I can rank up to the highest rank possible in 7 votes. Whenever a player votes on a website the vote does not count and there total votes stay at 0.  Here is my awards.yml Here is my config.yml And basically what I am trying to do is when a player votes 3 times they rank up to (rank1). When they vote 12 times they rank up to (rank2). When they vote 24 times they rank up to (rank3) Etc;

    Edited Sep 23, 2017

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