VoteRoulette v1.9


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  • Uploaded
    Feb 8, 2014
  • Size
    60.96 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.2-R0.2


You can now set chances per reward/milestone!

  • Include a "chance: x%" node in a reward/milestone to set the chance! Example:
    God Sword:
                amount: 1
                enchants: sharpness(5), fire aspect(2)
        chance: 5%

Some things to consider:

  • Chance is only considered when you are using random Rewards/Milestones.
  • As before, Priority in Milestones are only considered when you are not using random Milestones. Therefore, Priority and Chance do not influence each other. Careful not to get the two confused.
  • To simply account for the most possible variables, VoteRoulette calculates the chance percentages per reward/milestone, instead of all together. So for example, if you have 2 rewards at 50% chance each, VoteRoulette checks if the first reward is chosen at 50% chance, if that fails, VoteRoulette goes to the next reward and calculates the chance for that. Because of this, a player could possibly get no rewards chosen even though the two rewards each have 50% which could be seen as adding up to 100% of possibilities covered.
  • If you have multiple rewards/milestones with chances and some without chances specified, VoteRoulette will do the chance check for the ones with chance, and if none were rewarded VoteRoulette will pick a random one from the list of ones without chances.
  • If all of your rewards/milestones have chances specified, and none of them get chosen, a player won't receive an award/milestone.

Other Additions/Changes:

  • Added a new permission voteroulette.claimall. Negating (-) this permission will make it so players can't use the "claim all" commands for rewards/milestone. This should aid the server administrators who are seeing lag spikes when players are claiming large amounts of offline rewards/milestones.
  • Minor config/messages.yml grammar and typo fixes/tweaks.

To view the entire change log for the life of VoteRoulette, go here.

None at this time.