


Give your players presents for specific amount of votes,like items,books,rewards at the Chat or simply use a command on them!

How to install

Simply download the VoteRank.jar, put the Jar in your Server's Plugin Folder and restart / reload it. The plugin creates a new folder in your pugins folder named "VoteRank". In the VoteRank folder you can find the config.yml and the VoteRank.db.

  1. Without any chanches in the config.yml the plugin uses a sqlite-database
  2. You can choose a mySql database if you want to
  3. All messages can be changed!
  4. Full Color Support! (&1 - &9 - &a - &r) / [COLORNAME]
  5. Show your Users Votes on Tab or on the right sit of their Clients!
  6. ==== Only use one Sidebar or tab because they can block each other====
  7. Look at the Images

Version 1.0 to above

  1. Colored leather armor with RGB color-code
  2. Colored Named items
  3. Overpowered entchantments


  • /setvotes <player> set the amount of votes in the mySql / sqlite database
  • /votes <player> Shows you <player>'s Vote stats
  • /votes Shows you your Vote stats
  • /votelist Shows you the top ten of voters (if there a 10 or more voters)
  • /clearvotes to clear your database
  • /clearaccept to accept clearing your database
  • /cleardeny to deny clearing your database
  • /vote to show you votesites
  • /voteversion Displays you the Version of VoteRanks
  • /addvote <player> (optionally <amount>)
  • /savebook Saves a book you are holding to a file


  • "VoteRank.setvotes" gives the Player the permission to use the /setvotes Command
  • "VoteRank.clearvotes" gives you access to the /clearvotes Command
  • "Voterank.addvote gives you acces to the /addvotes Command"
  • "VoteRank.savebook" gives you acces to save a book as .txt
  • "", this except a player from getting the Goal, id has to be set in your goal

GitHub link

GitHub Voteranks Project


List of Enchantments

VoteRank's Goal - System:

You can add new Goals in the config.yml, also you can change the basic goals!


- 'votes=1;Message=Your first vote!;broadcast=<player> has 1 vote;Give=264:0,1,null,-1,null,-1,-1,-1'

This gives you for your first vote an diamont, without any Custom Name,or anyEntchantment.

- votes>100;Message=Nice damn, <votes> votes!!;Give=266:0,1,null,-1,&6Vote-Bar,-1,-1,-1

This gives you a Gold-Bar with the gold-colored name "Vote-Bar" if you got over 100 votes.It will also announce the player. -1 will disable the function for this item,null means no Entchantment or name

- votes=100;Message=You got 100 Votes! Here is something special:)!;Give=300:0,1,PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS,1337,&6Marius-Suit,50,0,0

This gives the player leather pants colored in RGB color-system(50,0,0), with the gold-colored name "Marius-Suit" and Explosion-Protection Level 1337.It will also announce the player.


  • votes=1 this sets the amount of Votes you need to get this Goal
  • votes<10 everytime the amount of votes are less than 10
  • votes>10 everytime the amount of vote are greater than 10
  • votes%10 everytime the amount of votes can be divided by 10
  • Message=<Message> is a private Message to the Player(if he is online)
  • broadcast=<Message> is a Global Message to all Users
  • Give=id,amount' is the option the set up an Item reward === only from Version 0.1 - 0.9 ===
  • Give=id:subid,amount,Enchantment,lvl of entchantment,Name,red,green,blue === only from Version 1.0 to above ===
  • Give=listname, gives the player a random item from a list
  • command=<command> this can execute an command as the Console
  • book=[file]plugins\VoteRanks\Books\book0.txt; convert the book0.txt to a book and give it to the player
  • - Bsp. of a book.txt -
  • book=author:Server-Team,title:The book,description:a book, fairly square!,&4Site1[newline]&4Site1,line2[newpage]Site2
  • id=id, sets the id of the goal, only used to except players from a goal
    • There is no need for any Order, but votes have to be the first Part of the Goal

The config.yml

0.9 and below

1.0 an above


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