VT causing major server error while exicuting my script. #75

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser8773666
  • ancienttom created this issue Jul 21, 2013

    While working on scripts and triggers to create a controled entry into the game, I ran into catastrophic problem that cused me to have to remove the VT plugin alltogether.

    I have one script that temporarily stores the player's name who triggered the script, open the door for him to enter the game, and show him some lines of text. it is triggered by clicking on a sign next to the door.

    I have another script that is triggered by a /vtwalk eith the threshhold the doorway. This script is supposed to check whether the person trying to go through the doorway is the player that clicked on the sign. If not, TPs him back to the spawning point and warns him to wait. Otherwise, when the triggering player crosses the threshhold, it is supposed to close the door again behind him.

    Question: on a /vtclick command, does it matter whether you right or left click? clicking on the triggering sign, it doesn't seem to matter.

    When I tested my work, I clicked on the sign, I got my lines of text from the first script but nothing happened to the door. Just for the heck of it I clicked on the upper panel of the door and the door dissapeared. I stepped into the door's threshhold and I got glitched from the server with a "Critical Server Error" message. Each time I tried to rejoin the game the same thing happened. My rejoin position was still in the door threshhold and I would immediatly get glitched off again. I tried to comment out the lines that might be causing this only leaving in the @PLAYER lines and this did not change the problem. I even removed the whole script file which didn't help either. I had to remove VT altogether in order to rejoin the game.

    I will attach the script in question with this ticket.

    Tom S.

    What version of the product are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.

  • ancienttom added the tags New Defect Jul 21, 2013
  • ancienttom added an attachment Indentured.script.yml Jul 21, 2013


  • ancienttom posted a comment Jul 21, 2013


    "EnterThreshold" is the offending script

    I am still on bukkit 1.5.2 VirtualTrigger version: 1.2.6

  • _ForgeUser8870982 posted a comment Jul 21, 2013

    Try this?

        - '@IF b <haspermission:vtriggers.default> = true'
        - '  @PLAYER &4You are not allowed to leave this area!'
        - '  @TP $Indent.Respawn'
        - '@ENDIF'
        - '@PLAYER &6EnterGame script selected.'
        - '@IF si $GameEnterSign.LastClick = null'
        - '@OR si $GameEnterSign.LastClick < 1'
        - '  @PLAYER In IF Statement.'
        - '  @SETSTR $GameEnterSign.LastClick <playername>'
        - '  @PLAYER &2Thank you for your consideration.'
        - '  @PLAYER &2You may now enter the community.'
        - '  @SETBLOCK 330:8 -141,36,-606'
        - '  @PAUSE 10'
        - '  @SETBLOCK 330:0 -141,36,-606'
        - '  @DELVAR s $GameEnterSign.LastClick'
        - '@ENDIF'
        - '@IF s $GameEnterSign.LastClick = <playername>'
        - '  @PLAYER You''re the one that clicked on the sign.'
        - '  @SETBLOCK 330:0 -141,36,-606'
        - '  @DELVAR s $GameEnterSign.LastClick'
        - '@ELSE'
        - '  @POOF 3 <currentloc>'
        - '  @TP $Spawn.First'
        - '  @PLAYER &4You are not the one that activated the door!'
        - '  @PLAYER &4You have to wait for the door to be closed before activating it again.'
        - '@ENDIF'

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