**Server Crashes** #20

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser9003995
  • _ForgeUser11207040 created this issue Feb 26, 2014

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. I followed the 'Install' tutorial exactly
    2. The arena/game is fine, and
    3. SG Highway has no errors, but after playing Breeze Island 2 and game ends, server times out

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    Player should be teleported back to spawn after Breeze Island 2

    What version of the product are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.
    The main problem appears to be with blocks, so I checked my blocks.yml through a YAML parser, and it is valid YAML
    Everytime this happens, I have to start over, and it works for some time, and then bugs again. This time, only map Breeze Island 2 is bugging after game ends

    26.02 16:12:20 [Server] INFO [16:12:20 ERROR]:          me.maker56.survivalgames.listener.LoggingListener.onFromToEvent(LoggingListener.java:37)
    26.02 16:12:20 [Server] INFO [16:12:20 ERROR]:          me.maker56.survivalgames.listener.LoggingListener.addBlock(LoggingListener.java:125)
    26.02 16:12:20 [Server] INFO [16:12:20 ERROR]:          me.maker56.survivalgames.SurvivalGames.saveBlocks(SurvivalGames.java:84)

  • _ForgeUser11207040 added the tags New Defect Feb 26, 2014
  • _ForgeUser11207040 posted a comment Mar 3, 2014

    It appears the problem is with regening the map Maybe you could do it so that it does less chunks per second?

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