Glitch in joining arena #142

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  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser9003995
  • _ForgeUser21471342 created this issue Feb 26, 2016

    Hi there! This plugin seems to be working fairly well, except for one that that ruins the whole experience for me... My friend just finished a huge survival games map for my server, and it looks amazing. When I downloaded this plugin to try it out with the map, all the setup went fine. But when I joined the map, it seemed to be stuck between teleporting. It showed my previous location and the spawn of the arena showing for about a half second each and they are just glitching back and forth between the two... Also, my head seemed to be stuck whipping back and forth. I found out this is because the map is quite big, because I made a smaller test version and I was able to join just fine. Also, the first time when I joined the map where the spawnpoint glitched, after the game began, it worked perfectly fine. But, the second time I tried it, it spawned me outside of the map and randomly killed the player I was testing it with. Can you fix this...?

  • _ForgeUser21471342 added the tags New Defect Feb 26, 2016

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