Double Potion Effects #135

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser9003995
  • Forge_User_72145667 created this issue Sep 15, 2015

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1.Enter survival games with a health boost potion effect
    2.leave survival games
    3.have doubled health boost

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    how have it doubled

    What version of the product are you using?
    Beta dev1.9.4b

    Are you using a Spigot 1.8 patch build?
    yes - i think

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    What other plugin(s) do you have on the server?
    Buycraft, Lockette, SuperTrails, MaxBans, VoxelSniper, TimeLock, AsyncWorldEditInjector, CoreProtect, PlayerHeads, WorldEdit, MCDocs, TimTheEnchanter, Essentials, VipSlot, ClearLag, BukkitCompat, AutoMessage, Chairs, Votifier, ProtocolLib, Multiverse-Core, MythicDrops, PayDay, AsyncWorldEdit, EssentialsChat, SimpleHelpTickets, PermissionsEx, DragonRename, RandomBox, GAListener, ServerListPlus, Vault, BottledExp, MobArena, PwnFilter, WorldGuard, Punishmental, ItemStay, EssentialsProtect, Multiverse-Inventories, NoPortals, Bounty, EssentialsSpawn, DeathControl, SurvivalGames, Citizens, ChopTree3, uHome, VanishNoPacket, EchoPet, GlobalMarket, GriefPrevention, ChestShop, ArmorStandEditor, dtlTraders

    Please provide any additional information below.
    i dont know how its happening but my players are using it to abuse the system by doubling thier potions everytime they join and leave survival games some people had 50 hearts

  • Forge_User_72145667 added the tags New Defect Sep 15, 2015

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