Creating kits in game + /lore #99

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
Assigned to jonathantje
  • _ForgeUser11553659 created this issue Dec 2, 2015

    A option to make kits in game.

    I wanted to create a kit but I couldn't find any "tutorial" how to do it... Of course I've got some basic things from the default kits.yml, but I wanted to create a kit with a lot of enchants and most of the enchants didn't work for me, so I guess I just typed them wrong, but IDK in what form I should type it, so some guide would be really useful (unless it already is and only i'm blind, but I think I was looking for it almost everywhere and didn't find it) and one last thing.. I want to use "HideFlags" tag, that hides enchants and a few more things on items, I hope u understand... and the best way I think it could be done is making a kit in game.. so u just can enchant or better modify items through command block and then just add them to the kit through some command or something like that.

    Also another idea I just got right now... a /lore command so u would hold some item in your hand and type for ex. /lore &6Starter Kit.  ... and it adds a lore to the item u hold in ur hand.

    (sorry for possible mistakes in text)

  • _ForgeUser11553659 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 2, 2015
  • Jonathantje posted a comment Dec 2, 2015

    The lore can be edited using the /modify command, for example:

    /modify lore:Hello_my_friend|My_name_is_nobody.

    (A | is a line spit, a _ is a space)

    The kits work the same way as the give command, but instead of a space you use an enter.

    You would add sharpness 10 in this way:


    And hideflags in this way: (Altough it seems a bit buggy, idk what is causing it)


    All tags can be found here, but more documentation has to be done:

    Ingame editing of kits is todo.

    Edited Dec 2, 2015
  • Jonathantje removed a tag New Dec 2, 2015
  • Jonathantje added a tag Accepted Dec 2, 2015
  • _ForgeUser11553659 posted a comment Dec 3, 2015

    Oh, thanks!

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