
This plugin is quite simple. It, every x minutes, will spawn a treasure chest at a random location within set bounds (also set in the config) that has random items inside (also set in config).

Full Call-Home Disclosure:
This plugin has an option to perform calls home. This does exactly two things:
-Checks if an update is available
-Gets a MOTD from my server to display in console (not in chat).

If this feature bothers you, you can disable it in the config file for Treasure :) (Allow Calling Home: false)
The plugin may show that a new update is available but it hasn't been approved by the Bukkit staff yet, so it won't show up on the plugin page. Just wait a few hours and try again. :)

Debug mode:
Debug mode uses the permission node treasure.debug, and shows you info that may be conflicting and causing the plugin not to work. Go to the world you want the chest to spawn in, and type "/debugtreasure". This will only work if you have the permission node, and requires debug: true is in your config file. As well, if it is on, my username automatically has permission to view the debug dialog. By default it is off, turn it on if you are having some trouble with the plugin. Check to make sure item count and stack count are the same, and that the world it is trying to spawn in is the same world you want it to spawn in. Make sure the wait time is above 0, and make sure that the spawn block ID is a block (an item will throw an error!).

Configuration is extremely simple. Put your plugin in the plugins folder, and startup the server. After this, stop the server, go into the plugins/Treasure folder, then open items.yml and config.yml. The config files are set to the defaults, and you can add to them as you go. You can add an unlimited number of lines in the format of:
Item: x StackLimit: y Curve: z
to the items.yml file, adding each on a new line.
Curve is how commonly an item spawns. For example, if you have 10 items, each with curve 1, they will all spawn at the same rate. However, if 5 of those 10 items have a curve of 2, each of the five with a curve of 2 are 2x as likely to spawn as those with a curve of one.

If you have any issues with this plugin, please post below and let me know. :)
If you are getting errors in console due to this plugin, ensure that your config files are correct. If you want to start the config over, just delete the "Treasures" folder in "plugins" and start the server up again.

/debugtreasure (only works if debug is set to true in config...)
/spawnchest [x] [y] [z]
Note: [x] [y] [z] are optional arguments. Without them, a chest will be spawned randomly as per your location restrictions.
/last10 (lists last ten chests that spawned, this list resets on restart and reload of server...)

Ops are automatically able to perform the /spawnchest command and the /last10 command!
Permission nodes:


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