
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Version: 1.3.5

Updated for the new version Minecraft! :D

This is Simple plugin that allows you to change the Time and Weather on your server with simple, easy to remember commands! ALL commands are able to be done directly from the Console! No stupid Error's!

This plugin comes with an automatic update checker (Doesn't automatically download the file though). You can Enable/Disable this update checked via the config.yml (Found in the plugins/TimeWeatherControl folder). Just set to CheckForLatestVersion to true/false to suit your needs!

How to Install...

Easy! Just drop the TimeWeatherControl.jar into your Plugins folder and Start the Server! Simple as!


The commands are very Simple! The [World] is Optional for if you want to set the Time/Weather for a different world to the one you are on.

General Commands:

  1. /tset [World] [Ticks] - Sets a worlds time through ticks, Example: /tset Earth 0
  2. /timeweathercontrol - Also Show's Information About this Plugin
  3. /tweather [true|false] - Enables/Disables Weather changing
  4. /tthunder [true|false] - Enables/Disables Thunder changing
  5. /twc - Show's Information About this Plugin
  6. /twc help - Show's help about this Plugin

Weather Commands:

  1. /sun [World] [Duration] Makes it Sunny!
  2. /rain [World] [Duration] Makes it Rain!
  3. /storm [World] [Duration] Makes it Rain and Thunder!
  4. /thunder [World] [Duration] Makes it Thunder but not rain!

Time Commands:
Example: /day earth -l ( -l stands for Lock )

  1. /morning [World] [-l] Makes it Morning!
  2. /day [World] [-l] Makes it Day Time!
  3. /midday [World] [-l] Makes it Midday Time!
  4. /noon [World] [-l] Makes it Noon Time!
  5. /afternoon [World] [-l] Makes it Afternoon!
  6. /evening [World] [-l] Makes it Evening!
  7. /sunset [World] [-l] Makes it Sunset Time!
  8. /dusk [World] [-l] Makes it Dusk!
  9. /night [World] [-l] Makes it Night Time!
  10. /midnight [World] [-l] Makes it Midnight!
  11. /earlymorning [World] [-l] Makes it Early Morning
  12. /dawn [World] [-l] Makes it Dawn!
  13. /sunrise [World] [-l] Makes it Sunrise!
  14. /time [World] See what the Current Time is!
  15. /current [World] Also see what the Current Time is!
  16. /p [morning|day|noon|afternoon|evening|sunset|dusk|night|midnight|earlymorning|dawn|sunrise|reset] - Sets the PLAYER time, /p reset will reset the players time with the worlds time


The Permissions for this are very flexible. There are many Permissions ( Don't Worry! ) To allow this plugin to work how you want it to! These are in the Plugin.yml, and here

To Do List:

  • Add /thunder DONE!
  • More Time Options (Dusk, Dawn etc) DONE
  • Add the rest of the Broadcast messages (Done Weather one's) DONE!
  • Add Time Locking - In version 1.0 DONE
  • Any Others you may want? Send Below or send a Ticket ( Ticket Checked more )!

Thanks! I know there may be many other Plugins out there that do this, but I am determined to be the best one out there! Also, I know some of these are able to be done from the Default commands so don't bother telling me! Leave your ideas and comments and possible bugs/error's below!

Yay :D


Need any Help? Please either;

  • Ask in the comments
  • Post a Ticket
  • Go on the IRC. You can get to the website from here. and Join channel #Grimlock257


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