Website saying incorrect credentials #369

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  • _ForgeUser9506597 created this issue Jun 19, 2015

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. So basically, I setup everything needed, set MySQL in the config, loaded the server up and then set up the website. When I go to the website, I entered my language and then it sent me to step two, database. So here's my problem. I entered the same database credentials I put into the config, and the same login credentials I use for each plugin I have that uses MySQL, but it's saying that the login credentials are incorrect. Although, they aren't. I triple checked everything. The plugin is currently running in the server and I've also tried it without the server running. It just won't work. Please help..

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

    What version of the product are you using?
    Latest. Statistics v.1.2.4

    Do you have an error log of what happened? (Portal: check cache/error.txt)

    Please provide any additional information below. (Plugin/Portal Version, Server Version, PHP Version. MySQL Version)
    Plugin Version: v1.2.4
    Server version: v4.61
    PHP version: v5.3
    MySQL version: v5.6.8

  • _ForgeUser9506597 added the tags New Other Jun 19, 2015

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