Limited password length in WelcomeScreen #1

  • Accepted
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser8010755
  • _ForgeUser8010755 created this issue Dec 17, 2011

    yeah the source would be great! XD also, im looking foward to the next version! ive noticed a bug btw, when you type in the login section it lets you write only for 3 or 4 seconds, them you have to click again (for another 4 seconds of writing LOL) thats anoing when youre registering, also the password lenght on the register section is not limited, but it is limited on the login section (if you put a large password when registering, you´ll not be able to login because you cant white more than 8 leters on the login password field)

    Thats all i hope it helps n_n

  • _ForgeUser8010755 added the tags Accepted Defect Dec 17, 2011

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