Spider 2.7.0


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  • Uploaded
    Jul 27, 2014
  • Size
    19.91 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.9-R0.2



== Massive Update! ==

Thanks to Calvin_Pb for helping with the itemstacks! Grrr! I hate itemstacks!


- Permission spider.use has been removed, replaced by spider.on/off

- 'Use Permissions' has been removed in the configuration file

- Many bugs

New Features:

- /spider shows you all the possible commands with the Spider plugin

- It is now possible to click on messages, that will suggest you other Spider commands

- 'No permission' message has been fixed

- Its now possible to change the messages in the configuration

- /spider reload will reload the configuration of the plugin

- /spider toggle will give you the 'Spider Toggle'. With the toggle it is possible to turn your Spider

modus on/off (permission for the command: spider.toggle, for using it: spider.usetoggle)

- item-on-join: true/false will give you the Spider Toggle by joining the server

- Permission: spider.ondeathbypass - When you got this permission, your Spider modus won't be removed after death

- Permission: spider.onleavebypass - When you got this permission, your Spider modus won't be removed while leaving

- New way for calling the configuration file faster

With this new features you will have the abilities to use this plugin for minigames.

Known Bugs



== Bugfix Update! ==

New Features:

- New possible commands: /s and /spidermodus

Known Bugs

- Pressing on /spider dev will suggest you the command /spider off. Solved


- Added the permission spider.toggleonjoin. This permission will give you the spider toggle

when joining the server. (when its enabled on the server)

- Fixed reload command

- Fixed on click (dev) on the main command


- Fixed the OnRightClick error (thanks to Wout!)