Force countdown regardless of player join/leave. #2

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
Assigned to _ForgeUser6833386
  • _ForgeUser6833386 created this issue Jan 19, 2014

    Currently, the countdown timer restarts everytime someone enters a game. This could potentially take a long time if someone for instance is leave/join-spamming. Planning to add a force-countdown option in the config in a future release.

  • _ForgeUser6833386 added the tags Accepted Enhancment Jan 19, 2014
  • _ForgeUser10953517 posted a comment Jan 26, 2014

    Is this refering to lets say:

    Pkkills joined the game (1/8) Babylovee joined the game (2/8)

    Then when there is two people the countdown starts? Currently, i see that that doesnt work at the moment, you can sit in your glass box for hours and still not move. I'm guessing this will e fixed in the next release?

  • _ForgeUser6833386 posted a comment Jan 26, 2014

    @Parmich: Go

    No, sounds like the min-players value for the given schematic is not configured to your needs.

    Currently, whenever a new player joins a game, the counter will start over. I wanted to make an option to bypass this behaviour. This may not be added in next release, however.

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