"skyblock delete" internal error! #30

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  • Other
Assigned to _ForgeUser7338244
  • _ForgeUser10508954 created this issue Feb 5, 2013

    What is the issue?
    I'm having problems with the "/skyblock delete" command, not so much the "delete" part, but the part, where you have to type "/skyblock yes" after, it gives me an error: "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"

    And it's the same problem with deleting party, and from the admin commands!

    Please provide any additional information below.
    Here is the log that comes up when I do it!:
    [INFO] (user) issued server command: /skyblock delete
    [INFO] (user) issued server command: /skyblock yes
    [SERVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'skyblock' in plugin SkyBlockCo-Op v1.5

  • _ForgeUser10508954 added the tags New Other Feb 5, 2013
  • _ForgeUser10508954 added an attachment log.jpg Feb 5, 2013


    <p>The log from the error</p>

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