
This is an extension plugin to SignShop (which is required). It allows you to link doors with SignShops, and rent the use of that door for a certain amount of time.



How does it work?

Step 1: Drop SignShopHotel.jar into your plugins folder (make sure you also have SignShop installed).
Step 2: Create a sign with the following format:

Example hotel sign


  1. "[Hotel]"
  2. The name of your hotel (you should use the same name for multiple rooms in the same building, that way the signs will all be numbered correctly)
  3. The amount of time you would like to rent the room for "s", "m", "h", "d", "w" (for seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks, respectively)
  4. The price you would like to charge to rent the room

Step 3: Punch a door with redstone (Note: If you are using an Iron door, you have to punch the button or plate near it).
Step 4: Punch the sign with redstone. The sign will change, and the room will be ready to rent.

Optional Step: Add a pressure plate inside of the room so players don't get trapped inside when their time runs out.


Command Description
/signshophotel boot [player] If a player is not specified it will boot the renter of the sign you are looking at. If a player is specified, it will boot them from ALL rooms they have rented.


Questions, Comments, and Other Issues

Please visit our main page to get help, or open up a ticket for SignShopHotel.

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 3, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 5, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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