Directedit and textdisplace. #6

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Assigned to _ForgeUser7003155
  • Forge_User_29700245 created this issue Mar 31, 2012

    When I select a poster (with things written) and I click right with a sign above the hand that was already written, erased everything he had written earlier. I have directedit option enabled by default.

    Then another thing, if I write on a poster, centering the text, I get focused. But if you apply color, the text scrolls and does not stay where I put it (is that the & a occupies two spaces, but still, the text scrolls to the left).

    Use the last version of plugin and bukkit (with pex permissions, and all nodes activate in my group).

  • Forge_User_29700245 added the tags New Defect Mar 31, 2012
  • _ForgeUser7003155 posted a comment Mar 31, 2012

    I notice the directedit bug but it seems to be a bukkit bug(the sign dont update when you create it, i hope their going to fixed it, it working fine on bukkit 1.1 and earlier)

    The center is due to the chatcolor if you write &4mytext then bukkit is going to think there is 8 space so start displaying the text so 8 charaters are centered but as the color doesnt count its showing the text on the left.

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