Sell feature #32

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7438042
  • TNTUP created this issue Feb 21, 2012

    Heya! It would be fun if with showcase we can sell our items to the finite shops. And add an notification like if the "cobble showcase" is empty, it will notify the player "Tell an admin to refill %itemid%". The cobble showcase is empty and cannot buy.


    (you) want to sell "wood planks", the sell price is $2 each (buy is $5 each), you sell 5 wood planks and with these finite shops, it adds 5 more wood planks and you get $10 in return and it lets the others to buy/sell it

    (sorry, I suck with my english. I'm french :/)

  • TNTUP added the tags New Enhancment Feb 21, 2012

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