Players can put items in their inventory from /hub #10

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser8275057
  • _ForgeUser6845128 created this issue Jan 18, 2014

    UPDATE: I've found the issue. It's when you change the title of the GUI. If you're having this problem, change your GUI title to "Server Activities" which is the default.

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Use the config shown below
    2. Start the server and the plugin
    3. Type /hub
    4. Click on the items

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    When players click on an item, they should be able to issue the command associated with it. Instead, players can take any item from the /hub menu and put it in their inventory, use it, place it, etc. This does NOT always happen, but something in my config caused it. Also note that everything else works fine, including the colors, number of lines, etc.

    What version of the product are you using?
    ServerHub v1.1 for 1.6.2 Jul 20, 2013

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    There's no error in the console or in-game.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    # ServerHub | KeybordPiano459
    # How many rows should the GUI have?
    gui-rows: 1
    # What should the name of the GUI be?
    gui-name: §7The Atmosphere HUB
    # What item should players right click to open the GUI?
    click-item-id: 345
    # All GUI items are here. Add slots in the same format, and it will add items to the GUI
        item-id: 345
        name: §6§lHub
          line-0: §fThe HUB of the server;
          line-1: §faccess any world here.
        command: spawn
        item-id: 278
        name: §c§lPvP
          line-0: §fExplore, survive, and battle!
        command: warp pvp
        item-id: 397
        name: §c§lPvP §5§lDungeons
          line-0: §fGet useful rewards for completing dungeons.
          line-1: §fDungeons vary in difficulty level from Very
          line-2: §fEasy to "Blood," or extremely hard.
        command: warp dungeon
        item-id: 45
        name: §d§lCreative
          line-0: §fBuild without restrictions in creative mode.
          line-1: §fDonators have access to §5§lCreative+§f
        command: warp creative
        item-id: 160
        name: §l????????
          line-0: §4§lThis world will release soon!
        command: warp tbaworld
        item-id: 22
        name: §3§lArcade
          line-0: §fThe hub for all of the minigames! You
          line-1: §fcan view and play all of them here.
        command: warp arcade
        item-id: 154
        name: §6§lBasketball
          line-0: §fShoot some hoops! This is a game 100% unique
          line-1: §fto Atmosphere, and is still a work-in-progress.
        command: warp bb
        item-id: 332
        name: §f§lSpleef
          line-0: §fPlay the classic game of Spleef. Destroy blocks
          line-1: §funder your opponents until they fall to their
          line-2: §finevitable death! Includes Classic and Bow Spleef.
        command: spleef hub
        item-id: 267
        name: §4§lKit PvP
          line-0: §fJump straight into some combat action!
          line-1: §fPick one of many unique kits and fly into
          line-2: §fbattle, getting money for each life you take!
        command: warp kitpvp
  • _ForgeUser6845128 added the tags New Defect Jan 18, 2014
  • _ForgeUser6845128 edited description Jan 18, 2014

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