ServerStarter(Version 1.9.2 Beta).jar


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    Sep 3, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.3.1-R2.0


Server Starter Beta

A terminator337 minecraft plugin

General Information

As of now we have six commands which are listed under the Plugin's description. If you want a certain feature added, please PM me or comment on this plugin and I will add that command if possible.


1.0) Initial release! Information is on the main plugin page

1.1) I kicked myself for this, I had the /heal command ready in the last but uploaded the version without it! So, here is /heal

FYI) There was a 1.11 that added /afk and a few other fixes like a syntax fix but it was not important enough to upload.

1.12) /heal now heals food and fixes fire! I may be making too many small updates...

1.13) This update was necessary! I changed the following commands to Op-Only permissions: /heal /kill /setspawn /tp and /tphere due to numerous complaints. I also made the usernames in the /msg command to be gray because it looked better in chat.

FYI) There was a 1.14 that properly spawns a player on first join

1.15) Afk is finished! you can toggle it with /afk and, if already AFK and you move, it will unAFK you! I also added the /settime command which took a lot of guesswork considering Minecraft doesn't like my 24 hour clock setting idea but, I got it done!

1.16) I added the /clearinventory command as well as making /afk disable on chat or using commands!

1.2) To start with, I am now running craft bukkit 1.2.5-R2.0. So the plugin is up to date. Also, as i said before, when permissions were to come I would make this a beta project and, here is beta. On the main plugin screen you can check commands and permissions which are compatible with bPermissions and, because I haven't tested any other perm plugins I can only say they should work on all others. Enjoy permissions on this Permissions page!

FYI) There was a 1.21 that added a permission to allow/un-allow breaking/placing blocks.

1.22) Added the /listusers command! This list all the users (1 being first) that have joined your server since last restart! There is also a command called /deletelistusers that clears the list! Both of these commands use the serverstarter.admin.listusers permission!

1.3) Added a config file for disabling/enabling commands. This can be reloaded with /ssreload and there is a preliminary /help command.

1.4) Added more control in the config file.

1.9) I'm back and able to update more regularly! I was off learning C# and + + and forgot about Java! Now its updated to v 1.9 which is the new Craft Bukkit R5.0! I am working on a secondary plugin called Starter Signs which will allow signs with customize-able commands that work no matter what permissions plugin you use. For now I'll finish my mail command for next update!

1.9.2) Redid most of my plugin to allow faster running speeds to free server memory and updated craft bukkit build! Enjoy!

-I had to change quite a few lines of code related to my AFK commands due to the update but it should still work! Please comment if you have an issue