ServerStarter(Version 1.22 Beta).jar


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    May 19, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.2.5-R2.0


Server Starter Beta

A terminator337 minecraft plugin

General Information

This is the first uploaded version of my plugin and therefore is the least functional. I have started my task of beating essentials by making a simpler plugin that does the same tasks. As of now we have six commands which are listed under the Plugin's description. If you want a certain feature added, please PM me or comment on this plugin and I will add that command if possible. Yes, permissions are coming, eventually...


1.0) Initial release! Information is on the main plugin page

1.1) I kicked myself for this, I had the /heal command ready in the last but uploaded the version without it! So, here is /heal

FYI) There was a 1.11 that added /afk and a few other fixes like a syntax fix but it was not important enough to upload.

1.12) /heal now heals food and fixes fire! I may be making too many small updates...

1.13) This update was necessary! I changed the following commands to Op-Only permissions: /heal /kill /setspawn /tp and /tphere due to numerous complaints. I also made the usernames in the /msg command to be gray because it looked better in chat.

FYI) There was a 1.14 that properly spawns a player on first join

1.15) Afk is finished! you can toggle it with /afk and, if already AFK and you move, it will unAFK you! I also added the /settime command which took a lot of guesswork considering Minecraft doesn't like my 24 hour clock setting idea but, I got it done!

1.16) I added the /clearinventory command as well as making /afk disable on chat or using commands!

1.2) To start with, I am now running craft bukkit 1.2.5-R2.0. So the plugin is up to date. Also, as i said before, when permissions were to come I would make this a beta project and, here is beta. On the main plugin screen you can check commands and permissions which are compatible with bPermissions and, because I haven't tested any other perm plugins I can only say they should work on all others. Enjoy permissions on this Permissions page!

FYI) There was a 1.21 that added a permission to allow/un-allow breaking/placing blocks.

1.22) Added the /listusers command! This list all the users (1 being first) that have joined your server since last restart! There is also a command called /deletelistusers that clears the list! Both of these commands use the serverstarter.admin.listusers permission!


I might try /tpa and /tpahere!