Rpg Food


I have decided that we are going to be merging all of the RPG style plugins into a single plugin, Servers that want to only use a few features from them will still be able to do so through our config files. The RpgAPI page we have will be the one the plugin gets released on. It is taking a bit longer than expected to get them all updated but we are trying to make them as configurable as possible so every server can use them exactly how they want to.



RPG Food!
Rpg food is a complete eating system replacement with the ability to have an unlimited number of food types!
- No hunger loss
- no healing from "full hunger"
- when eating food you have defined your hunger bar works as a "cast bar" to show you how much longer your feed needs to be fully eatten
- food is lost as soon as players start eating
- health gain is lost when a player moves, making them "sit" and eat.
- food items are saved by custom name not item id so you can have as many different items as you want! (even non traditional food items if you want your players to eat stone :) )
- set a different health amount for each food item!
- set a different time needed to eat for each food item!
- with no exhaustion levels players can keep sprinting to their hearts content!
new with version 1.2
- food items now have lore showing how much health they give over how much time!
- food items no longer display _'s on their names, though _'s are still needed in commands
- any potion effect other than hunger can now be added as a buff effect to players who sit and eat all their food!

/feed give playername itemcustomname amount - gives a player a certain amount of a custom named item!
Example: /feed give soulofw0lf Nasty_Salty_Pork 16 - gives soulofw0lf 16 Nasty_Salty_Pork

/feed effect item_name effect_name duration strength - add buff effects to food
Example: /feed effect Salted_Pork Invisibility 30 1 - adds a 30 second invisibility effect to anyone who eats for the full duration of the food

/feed itemID customname health time
Example: /feed 319 Nasty_Salty_Pork 20 8 - creates a food item in your config called Nasty_Salty_Pork of type:Raw_Porkchop that heals 20 health over 8 seconds.

food.give - use the /food give command
food.add - use the base /food command to create new food items in your config.

The config file itself is also rather easy to use so you can edit things that way as well.

  This Is AWESOME!:
    ItemID: 138
    health: 10
    time: 10.0
    Food Buff: Speed
    Buff Duration: 60
    Buff Amp: 3

My RPG Plugins
Rpg Click

Rpg Party

Rpg Trade

Rpg Guilds

RPG Food

RPG Lobby

RPG Achievements

RPG Spawns

Help fund my programming hobby :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 3, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 31, 2013
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