Rent to Players. #60

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to phoenix_iv_
  • _ForgeUser3554969 created this issue Aug 19, 2013

    I notice the ability to sell to players...
    However, is it possible to make an automated rent system...
    //region rentto [player] [amount]

    Then, the player is added as a member, may use the house, but if he fails to pay the rent, he is evicted.
    At the same time, the owner can access all the chests, and can evict the person if needed.

    Just an additional feature.

  • _ForgeUser3554969 added the tags New Enhancment Aug 19, 2013
  • _ForgeUser20160334 posted a comment May 12, 2015

    nice suggest. would be great. =)

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