Prevent deletion/redefinition of RFS regions #55

  • Enhancment
  • Replied
Assigned to phoenix_iv_
  • _ForgeUser10912354 created this issue Jul 18, 2013

    I have a town for new players, with about 100 regions that can be bought using RegionForSale.

    I've recently had a number of players who have used /region delete and /region redefine to delete or move these regions, which becomes an administrative nightmare: I have to refer to a back-up to work out where the region was before it was deleted/redefined,

    It would be very useful to prevent regions that are controlled by RFS from being deleted or redefined by the players that own them. I could deny permission for /region redefine, but I cannot deny permission to /region delete since players are permitted to define regions outside the town, and this would prevent them from being able to delete any such region.

    A possible alternative would be to allow RFS to be configured such that when a player buys a region, they become a member of that region rather than the owner - this would prevent deletion and redefinition.

  • _ForgeUser10912354 added the tags New Enhancment Jul 18, 2013
  • Phoenix_IV_ posted a comment Jul 18, 2013

    The alternative you suggested (setting the owner as member) would limit the possibility to differentiate between the region owner and region members, which usually can only be added by the WorldGuard-region-owner by the way. Plus changing this would likely break already existing permission setups, so I will think of another way. Too bad that WorldGuard doesn't allow to set permissions within a certain area.

    There is a possibility for a limited amount of WorldGuard regions:

    1. Set worldguard.region.remove.own.* to true
    2. Set worldguard.region.remove.own.<region> to false for <normal_user> for each region within the town.

    But I don't know if this also works for the 'redefine' permission node. Would that do the job for you?

  • Phoenix_IV_ removed a tag New Jul 18, 2013
  • Phoenix_IV_ added a tag Waiting Jul 18, 2013
  • _ForgeUser10912354 posted a comment Jul 18, 2013

    This could work; I'll try it out when I have a chance and get back to you.

  • _ForgeUser10912354 removed a tag Waiting Jul 18, 2013
  • _ForgeUser10912354 added a tag Replied Jul 18, 2013
  • Phoenix_IV_ removed a tag Replied Jul 19, 2013
  • Phoenix_IV_ added a tag Waiting Jul 19, 2013
  • _ForgeUser10912354 posted a comment Jul 19, 2013

    Ok, the way I've had to work around this (WorldGuard) problem is:

    1. Remove permission worldguard.region.redefine.own
    2. Deny permission worldguard.region.remove.own.plotXX

    Players cannot redefine RFS-controlled plots now, but if they want to redefine their own plots they must remove/define instead (and re-set any flags).

    Denial of worldguard.region.remove.own.plotXX works well, and I have specified this for plots 1 through to 200 - we have 100 plots so this will cover us for the foreseeable future.

    Happily, /region delete is automatically denied on plot regions because they are within the parent region.

    It's a bit of an awkward solution, and I expect I'll probably forget why/how it works, but it *does* work :)

  • _ForgeUser10912354 removed a tag Waiting Jul 19, 2013
  • _ForgeUser10912354 added a tag Replied Jul 19, 2013
  • Phoenix_IV_ posted a comment Jul 19, 2013

    /region remove and /region delete are the same commands.

    About redefining regions:

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