Random Stuff


This plugin adds:

  • Hang glider
  • Jet pack
  • Grappling hook
  • Torch machine
  • Mob Cage
  • Block Detector
  • Ender Quarry

Glide around your world with an awesome glider (just like batman)! To use it you first must craft a glider. Then go somewhere high and jump off, right away right-click with your glider to toggle it on. You will move really fast in the direction you are looking, and slowly down. You can right-click again to toggle it off, but it will turn off automatically when you land.


Jet Pack:
To use the jet pack right-click with it in your hand to equip it. Then double tap jump to toggle the jet pack on/off.
The jet pack uses definable fuel (default is redstone). You just have to have the fuel in your inventory.


Grappling Hook:
To use the grappling hook just right-click to shoot the hook, when it hits something solid you will be pulled after it.


Torch Machine:
To use the torch machine just craft it and put it in your hot-bar. Then it will take torches from your inventory and place them down if you are in a dark area.


Mob Cage
To use the mob cage, just click a mob to catch it, and click the ground to drop it.


Block Detector:
Right click a block with it to set what to search for, then left click to make the machine search around you for that block. It will tell you the coords of the nearest one if it finds that block type.


Ender Quarry
Much like the quarries from Build Craft, you can dig a huge whole down to bedrock and collect the materials. However, since its an ender quarry, you don't need those pesky support beams and stuff.

To use it just place four glowing redstone torches in a cube, they all must be at the same Y level with no blocks obstructing the view to the other torches. The default max distance is 32 blocks. Then place a quarry beside one if the torches. It will start emitting red smoke, now you need to put fuel in (defaults to ender pearls), maybe some upgrades (defaults to nether stars), and you can change the block settings if you want. Once it has fuel it will start emitting black smoke and start mining the blocks from between the torches. You will need a chest or two beside the quarry to collect mined blocks. When finished it should emit white smoke.

Example of Quarry:

Quarry GUI:


There are definable crafting recipes and options for all items.



/rs reload
/rs glider
/rs jetpack
/rs grapple
/rs torch
/rs cage
/rs block
/rs quarry



Permission to use the reload command: random.stuff.reload
Permission to use the jet pack: random.stuff.jetpack
Permission to use the grapple gun: random.stuff.grapple
Permission to use the glider: random.stuff.glider
Permission to use the torch machine: random.stuff.torch
Permission to use the cage: random.stuff.cage
Permission to use the block detector: random.stuff.block
Permission to use the quarry: random.stuff.quarry

Note: All players can use the items unless you set "usePerms" to true in the config.



1. Drop the plugin into your plugins folder and restart the server.

2. Edit the config to change anything you want.

3. Do /rs reload



Plugin showcases:




Upcoming Features

- Teleportation Device

- More random and useful items!


MC Stats

This plugin sends info on how many servers and players are using this plugin.
If you wish to disable the usage stats, look at /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml.



If you like my plugins and want to help me out:




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