
Nox Radar Jammer
Don't ban the cheaters, prevent the cheating

A simple plugin that will jam out entity radars on hack clients or even minimaps that don't play nice with server permissions.

This plugin will make it completely useless to the hacker as you can see below. It will send fake entities all over they're client. Causing the map to be flooded with entity icons.

NoxRadarJammer jamming a players text radar NoxRadarJammer flooding a players minimap


Due to the fact clients can easily develop ways to bypass any update to this plugin. Developing this kind of plugin is more of a back and forth battle between the hack client authors.

The only true way to stop such a thing is to not send the player data at all.

This project was made on the side to learn how to code better.

One fact is just by having access to the source code you can find new ways to bypass this kind of plugin very very easily.


This plugin requires ProtocolLib. See link

Required: ProtocolLib

If you have the latest spigot or a newer build of bukkit, you might need the newest dev build of ProtocolLib


Currently the permissions are as follows.

  • radarjammer.exempt
  • radarjammer.reload

Configuration nodes

This will adjust the radius from the player that the Minimaps / hacked clients will receive fake entities. We recommend 40 as a default

  • Radius: [0 - 64]

This will change how far apart the fake entities will be from each other. We recommend 2-6, with 2 being ALOT of entities

  • Spread: [2-20]

This is the period in which we will re-render the fake entities around the players being jammed.

  • update-period: 4

Should we prevent people with voxel map from using the radar?

  • stop-voxelmap-radar: true

Should we prevent people with voxel map form using the cave map?

  • stop-voxelmap-cave: true

Suggestions are welcome in the comments


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 12, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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