Defined arena categories #12

  • New
  • Enhancment
  • _ForgeUser8096925 created this issue Apr 26, 2016

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Have defined arena's per kit name, e.g, I have multiple arenas with the same kit and different maps, I have these arenas named, gapple1, gapple2, gapple3 etc, I think it would be an awesome feature to have all these arenas defined under a categorie , e.g /1vs1 rjoin gapple and then it would randomly join one of the gapple arenas which would make it easier to implement other kits e.g /1vs1 rjoin NoDebuffs.

    Im not really sure how this would be implemented to still have your current arenas, maybe add a new exception to the rjoin command, im not a coder in any way, but maybe something like this so the plugin understands how to use your current arenas within the rjoin command.

    My arenas, Gapple1-5
    Main kit name is gapple, so when rjoin command is used, if gapple is within the name, it will randomize between all gapple arenas.  If nothing follows the rjoin command, it will randomize between all arenas.

  • _ForgeUser8096925 added the tags New Enhancment Apr 26, 2016
  • _ForgeUser8096925 posted a comment Apr 26, 2016

    Also would be cool if you could somehow disable to functionality of a plugin during the duel, e.g stackable items/pots. Something like that would be kind of overpowered in NoDebuff's, but would be cool be able to have it for other kits e.g Gapple.

    Here's the plugin that stacks the items:

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