ProtocolLib 1.6.0


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  • Uploaded
    Nov 13, 2012
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    634.08 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.2-R0.2


This update adds a slew of new wrappers for the DataWatcher class, along with WatchableObject. These are mainly necessary for parsing the mob spawn packets, but they can also be used on an entity directly with the getEntityWatcher() method.

In addition, I've also added wrappers for ChunkPosition and ChunkCoordinates (there's nearly identical, except that the position class is immutable). That should make it easier to work with the explosion packet.

The PacketContainer has been augmented with individual modifiers for each primitive type, allowing you to call "getIntegers" instead of "getSpecificModifier(int.class)" when you're reading or writing integer fields. That should make the class a whole lot easier to use. :)

Finally, I've fixed a couple of bugs. The entity modifier bug is perhaps most significant - sometimes, it would fail to retrieve a spawned entity and just return NULL. I've changed it to use a more reliable method.


Bug fixes

Small fixes