disable/enable command #65

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to axeldios
  • _ForgeUser9875170 created this issue Feb 19, 2014

    Hello, I'm making a new server and I really wanted to disable all the protection stones on weekends. I have a plugin called "In Time" and i was going to use that to disable the plugin for the weekend. However, I found out that even though the plugin was disabled, the worldguard regions were still there. So I was wondering if you could add a command like "/ps disable" and "/ps enable" to disable or enable the regions and the ability for players to place protection stones. If you do decide to add these commands, could you make it so you can run them via the console? (so i can automate it with a scheduler plugin)  Also, when the protections are disabled, could you make the message editable on the config (e.g "You cannot place ProtectionStones on the weekend")
    It would really help me out if you could add this features (or something similar)

    Thanks for your time,

  • _ForgeUser9875170 added the tags New Enhancment Feb 19, 2014
  • AxelDios posted a comment Feb 20, 2014

    Can't be done, PS uses WorldGuard's Region Database to keep track of all the regions, and the only way to effectively disable them would be to remove them and recreate them, which would require a separate database, which would defeat the purpose and functionality of using just the WG Region DB.

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